yeah although maybe a long-shot, go for those cool project and people too ! It's maybe a bit of virtue signalling but I would / have written to many just as a matter of trying...
Do you think it would be too offending if someone (similar to your position) just put 1 web page and simply wrote your perspective and just sent people the link?! Sort of save you the hassle, while saying you're sincere but will wait for a reply before investing huge amount of time in something customised! (I'm sure some knock-backs people on the other side didn't even read if they didn't need anyone already so a link is kinda touché to that!)
- going for cool projects (which I guess you are and not only agency just for fun)
- Making a webpage and sending people you're interested the link! Almost cold but saying 'This is efficiently linking you to a page about my job search, talents, hobbies etc... so it's sincere but for speed I just send you the link for now and happy to chat later if you're interested"
The touché part is in reference to how agencies advertise 1 think and get a shit load of attention... and instead you make 1 page and send many people a link !
1 agency advertising to many
Many links sent to 1 web page
/ \
I think I follow but I'm not entirely sure. Could you elaborate a bit more?