I don't belong because I'm not for money / debt...
It's not just what I do. It's Ubuntu (what we do activity / community defines all others to a large extent)
I often feel the opposite is true from the #Ubuntu #community phrase which makes thinking of people doing mistake often in a operating system or see the picture for better sense of people #money / debt in the equation:
" I don't belong because I'm not for money / debt. " #FreeSchool
So other people who are "all in" in that respect (most of you) are therefore blocking me incrementing out something / and are doing something damaging as a mostly money-orientated 'community' not even able to reply to your cause online.
Just donations or nothing.
Not looking to get out of this debt or bad work is bad and worse is not using the free-orientated people which over means you the consent to that "it's ok" or "it's just the way it has to be and I'll have no part to change it" to which I say NO IT DOES NOT WORK. WE SEE IT ALREADY. OPEN YOU EYES.
#BANKS ARE #DEBT CREATORS / DEATH BY NUMBERS and the "good" stuff built on that are only aesthetics / false living. Use the free even if we have to use money. Just don't go all in and do "the people work" as much as that might mean re-training yourself to adapt to those people.