Feel isolated / Need to talk? [ #NewProject Like Collapse Club... ]
Links to existing chat space and #projects that you can help me recreate but without:
❌ they use Zoom so I want to switch that to #Jitsi
➡️ Post-Doom, No Gloom
(https://postdoom.com/connect/) calls,
➡️ Safe Circle small-group calls (https://livingresilience.net/safecircle/).
➡️ Deep Adaptation events (https://www.deepadaptation.info/events/),
Not sure about forum but maybe as FAQ:
➡️ CollapseSupport community on Reddit
➡️ DarkOptimism.org.
All welcoming, and
--------- BUT USE----------
❌ they use Zoom so I want to switch that to #Jitsi
❌ they're not on Mastodon [yet] so want to switch that also
Feel isolated / Need to talk? [ #NewProjects similar