A thing is not wrong because it's labelled illegal... Legal / illegal is _mostly_ a business term...
Legal / illegal is _mostly_ a business term by an countries authority. It can include some nicer stuff yes but EITHER WAY it is for the benefit of Government (not always people).
You see this often conflicted between countries lol where they did agree or say stuff like politicians but totally do different when it comes down to it!
Imagine alcohol or tobacco was illegal or legal - and now it's just for convenience (profit) that it's made legal.
If you believe authority like '#government actually cares then you are sadly (historically) mistaken! It's for their own interest and MASSIVE tax they use alcohol and tobacco as the medium. They don't care whatever it is. ALMOST ONLY "Does it give us profit?" and reinforce our position?
Legal / illegal is _mostly_ a business term (Gov being the head business)...
Those people who think legal / illegal is purely a balanced or fair thing are wrong!
You might think "well we need laws etc" but this is not the main point to branch off into- it's that even without real right and wrong - you have no real say to government and must follow - that is most the "legal / illegal" definition and we (the government) have made powers to back that up !
Even as courts of "Law" you are simply ordered to pay to get out of problems usually so even that arena is mostly money or putting people in prison that might put a stop to profit (young girls and boys protesting / oil pipelines / #indigenous people ETC ETC! ALL ILLEGAL PEOPLE!)
#Law #Profit #Courts #Authority #Government #Pipeline #Pioneers " #Crimes " in #Humanity for real #Human #Progress