And someones already built a website to view this data!
I'm going to keep labeling everything I know in Perth and see where we get 😀
Yes, it's now included in streetcomplete, thus its usage will likely grow quite a bit.
@rastinza Neat I haven't heard of StreetComplete I'll check it out.
@georift That is pretty awesome. Thanks a lot! 🌱💚
I used happy cow when I was looking for vegan restaurant. But it is nice to search for vegan stuff without the need of an app.
@barefootstache @osmvegan Thanks I'm following. Are they more active over on telegram or matrix? Should I check those out?
@barefootstache @osmvegan No worries thanks :)
...and there is with a similar approach.
#vegan #vegetarian #osm #OpenStreetMap
@klemmi Awesome thank you!
Also feels like the keyword is starting to get some actual usage which is great!