Attention #wetland #scientists! @KirkwoodLab and I are excited to be hosting a session at #iaglr23 in #toronto (May 8-12) on Mighty #Wetlands as #Keystone #Ecosystems. Abstract submissions for posters and oral presentations are now open
Don’t worry, we’ll remind you in the New Year. You have until *January 27* to apply.
@Brad_Rosenheim @KirkwoodLab it is a shocking amount of water concentrated in such a tiny place! 21% of the World’s freshwater. Enough to flood the whole continent in over a foot of water!
@Brad_Rosenheim @girls_can There's some old water there - residence time is 100 years for Lake Superior for example.
@girls_can @KirkwoodLab yeah Toronto!
@hasmis @KirkwoodLab very convenient for Canadians!
@girls_can @KirkwoodLab It is astonishing to me how small the basin area of the Great Lakes is relative to the area of the lakes themselves! Had never noticed that before.