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Is there any list of journalists and reporters that have (active) accounts on the #Mastodon universe? I don't think there's plenty but with all these multiple instances I find it really to locate even those few.

The mTOR pathway genes mTOR, Rheb, Depdc5, Pten, and Tsc1 have convergent and divergent impacts on cortical neuron development and function

Research technician

University of Manitoba

Are you interested in using novel single cell technologies to understand the inner ear? Come join our team!

See the full job description on jobRxiv:

#ScienceJobs #hiring #research #singlecellsequencing #genomics @um_bmg
Winnipeg #Canada #ResearchTechnician

An observation on how #Mastodon is growing 👀

Over the past month, multiple journalists from top outlets have contacted me related to content I’ve shared.

While this was not uncommon on #Twitter when I was active there, it’s relatively new for me in the #fediverse. I suspect this suggests professional news outlets are becoming more comfortable here & posts have increasing impact. Good.

Hi, looking for library twitter folk, working across critical librarianship and digital fluencies at a regional university.

"Electrified cement could turn houses and roads into neraly limitless batteries
Energy stored building materials could make on-demand power from renewables affordable worldwide"

If I were exactly in your shoes, would I be you?

If I were EXACTLY in your shoes, I probably would do the same you do. I wrote this text after reading a message from a friend. Maybe it has nothing to do with his subject, but somehow he triggered this. What I mean, it might be difficult to explain, but I would like to try by proposing an exercise of imagination.

@dMjolnir96 I like to add a "view results" placeholder option to my polls, so that people who are not addressed in them don't end up tilting the results.

Hopefully Mastodon will add a way to show results without having to vote, that would be very useful, and I think some fediverse platforms might even have it already.

Question for #blind #VisuallyImpaired folks, what kind of image descriptions do you prefer?

Question for those of you who develop #software professionally. Do you use #ChatGPT or similar tools for #development?

Please #boost.

Natural Sciences Applied Sci A1bu

Scientists in the Natural Sciences - Applied Sciences

• Published (not necessarily in field)

Please Message For Additions, Deletions or Edits

Agricultural Science (#AgriculturalScience)
Birge, Traci @TraciInFinland
Bommarco, Riccardo @bommarco
Cardinael, Rémi @remicardinael
Ehlers, Melf-Hinrich @Melf
ETH Zürich @crop_science_eth
Hepworth, Craig @floridafruitgeek
Malek, Žiga @zigamalek
Morris, Ed R @Edrmorris
Nordquist, Rebecca @renordquist
Plieninger, Tobias @plieninger
Rodriguez, Carolina @CRodriguez
Schwerdtner, Ulrike @UliSchwerdtner

Aerospace Engineering (#AeroSpaceEngineering)
Dubos, Gregory @astroptere
LaPrade, Sherie @astrosherie
Ellison, Doug @doug_ellison
Hutt, Jason T @jathhutt

Biophysics (#Biophysics)
Bagley, Bryce Allen @babagley
Delpierre, Julien @JulienDelpierre
Dmitrieff, Serge @dmitrieff
Étienne, Jocelyn @jocelyn_etienne
Giorgino, Toni @giorginolab
Haase, Albrecht @neurophysics
Kennard, Andrew @askennard
Michieletto, Davide @dmichiel
Lew, Matthew D @lewlab
Meesters, Christian @rupdecat
Neher, Richard @richardneher
Plested, Andrew @andrewplested
Popescu, Gabriela K @PopStarLab
Rowland, David James @drdrowland
Sadoine, Mayuri @MayuriSadoine
Schwarz, Ulrich Sebastian @UlrichSchwarz
Wallace, Mark I @markianwallace

Biomedical Science (#BiomedicalScience)
Aldrich, Chris @chrisaldrich
Konrad, David @dbkonrad

Biotremology (#Biotremology)
López, Juan José Díez @Tremoneta

Climate Science (#ClimateScience)
Brettschneider, Brian @Climatologist49
Campbell, Micheline @michcampbell
Cobb, Kim @coralsncaves
Gironella, Fritzi G @fagg
Gleick, Peter @petergleick
Gowan, Evan J @DrEvanGowan
Hawkins, Ed @ed_hawkins
Hayhoe, Katharine @kathhayhoe
Karmalkar, Ambarish @akarma
Labe, Zach M @ZLabe
LeGrande, Allegra Nicole @atthenius
Marelle, Louis @louismarelle
Mottram, Ruth @Ruth_Mottram
Pollice, Robert @robpollice
Rahmstorf, Stefan @rahmstorf

Climatology (#Climatology)
Dupont, Claire @Cladupont
Lucht, Wolfgang @W_Lucht
Wagner, Gernot @gwagner

Engineering (#Engineering)
Aldrich, Chris @chrisaldrich
Bean, Keri @PlanetaryKeri
Ellison, Doug @doug_ellison
Famelis, Michalis @mfamelis
Gill, Kevin M @kevinmgill
Haas, Charles @ProfCharlesHaas
Hulse, Daniel @Daniel_Hulse
Walker-Franklin, Imari @calimari

Environmental Science (#EnvironmentalScience)
Brander, Susanne M @smbrander
Feldwick, Mark @MarkIngs
Glückler, Ramesh @rglueckler
Gusmão, Felipe @fgusmao
Jehn, Florian Ulrich @florianjehn
Jones, Oliver AH @Dr_Oli_Jones
Killam, Daniel @dantheclamman
Mann, Michael E @MichaelEMann
McKinney, Zeke J @ZekeMD
Osborn, Mark @MicrobialLife
O'Shea, Bethany @DrBethRocks
Pyle, Greg @gregpyle
Sigmund, Gabriel @GabrielS
Sims, Kerry @DrKerryS
Sultana, Farhana @farhanasultana
Tate, Brandon K @brandontate
Walker-Franklin, Imari @calimari
Weintraub, Michael N @mnweintraub
Zourek, Leonard @leonardzourek

Environmental Toxicology (#EnvironmentalToxicology)
Feldwick, Mark @MarkIngs
Hammer, Sjúrður @sjurdur
Pyle, Greg @gregpyle
Reichman, Suzie M @SuzieReichman
Whitehead, Andrew @andrewwhitehead

Epidemiology (#Epidemiology)
Alwan, Nisreen A @nisreen
Bassani, Diego G @dgbassani
Baxter, Nancy @enenbee
Bazaco, Michael @MCBazacoPhD
Bergstrom, Carl T @ct_bergstrom
Bolker, Ben @bbolker
Chiong, Winston @winstonchiong
D'Angelo, Nico @nicod
Feldman, Ryan @EMPoisonPharmD
Funk, Sebastian @sbfnk
Gonsalves, Gregg @gregggonsalves
Handel, Andreas @andreashandel
Hernan, Miguel @MiguelHernan
Hill, Edward M @EdMHill
Hyde, Zoë @DrZoeHyde
Jamal, Alainna J @alainnajj
Kinney, Gregory L @mycotropic
Kline, David @DavidKline
Kucharski, Adam @adamjkucharski
Ley, Sylvia @sylvialey
Meesters, Christian @rupdecat
Mekaru, Sumiko @Sumiko_Mekaru
Moss, Rob @rob_models
Murray, Eleanor J @epiellie
Newman, Kira L @KiraNewmanMDPhD
Pearce, Neil @nepearce
Peiper, Nicholas C @doctorpipes
Polis, Chelsea B @cbpolis
Salemi, Jason L @JasonSalemi
Schrom, John @johnschrom
Sesay, Cecirahim @cecirahim
Smith, Tara C @aetiology
Tennant, Peter WG @pwgtennant
Tobin, Martin D @martin_tobin
Wallace, Katrine @EpidemiologistKat
Walsh, Michael @EpiDoctor

Evolutionary Science (#EvolutionaryScience)
Albert, Victor A @PlantEvoGenomics
Anderson, Chris @c_n_anderson
Barber, Matthew F @bioBarber
Bergstrom, Carl T @ct_bergstrom
Bolker, Ben @bbolker
Clarke, John T @jclarkepaleo
Constantinides, Bede @bede
Davison, Angus @snailman
Débarre, Florence @flodebarre
Eisen, Jonathan @phylogenomics
Enquist, Brian J @bjenquist
Gregory, T Ryan @TRyanGregory
Hartberg, Yasha @yasha
Kennard, Andrew @askennard
Kristensen, Nadiah Pardede @nadiah
Kovács, Ákos T @EvolvedBiofilm
Leighton, Gavin M @GMcLeanLeighton
Lenski, Richard @RELenski
Meuthen, Denis @DenisMeuthen
Neher, Richard @richardneher
Nelson, Chase W @chasewnelson
Osmond, Matthew @mmosmond
Ralph, Peter L @petrelharp
Schürch, Roger @schuemaa
Stajich, Jason @hyphaltip
Strepsipzerg, Max Aubry @StrepsipZerg
Szala, Anna @anna
Vlieger, Leon @inqbiol
White, Rhys Thomas @Rhys

Food Science (#FoodScience)
Hammann, Simon @simonhammann
Kramer, Timo @Timo_Micro

Genetic Epidemiology (#GeneticEpidemiology)
Hodcroft, Emma @firefoxx66
Meesters, Christian @rupdecat
Tobin, Martin D @martin_tobin

Genomics (#Genomics)
Albert, Victor A @PlantEvoGenomics
Coassin, Stefan @stncsn
Constantinides, Bede @bede
Davison, Angus @snailman
Eisen, Jonathan @phylogenomics
Gregory, T Ryan @TRyanGregory
Gunter, Chris @girlscientist
Lenski, Richard @RELenski
MacLean, Dan @danmaclean
Mäklin, Tommi @themaklin
Maurizio, Paul L @paul
Meesters, Christian @rupdecat
Neher, Richard @richardneher
Nelson, Chase W @chasewnelson
Salter, Susannah J @zannah_du
Stajich, Jason @hyphaltip
Tobin, Martin D @martin_tobin
White, Rhys Thomas @Rhys
Zakour, Nouri Ben @genomiss

Information Technology (#InformationTechnology)
Wright, Bryan @catselbow

Medicine (#Medicine)
Alwan, Nisreen A @nisreen
Argyropoulos, Christos @ChristosArgyrop
Baxter, Nancy @enenbee
Bhattacharyya, Roby @roby
Briscoe, Joshua @jcbriscoe
Corman, Victor Max @vmcorman
Delaney, Brendan C @bcdelaney1
Feldman, Ryan @EMPoisonPharmD
Flores, Anthony R @pedIDDoc
Funk, Sebastian @sbfnk
Gebhard, Christian @basepair
Halama, Niels @halama_immuno
Jamal, Alainna J @alainnajj
McKinney, Zeke J @ZekeMD
Mohr, Emma @Mohr_lab
Newman, Kira L
Stone, Judy @drjudystone
Topolsky, Ivan @dryak
Trebach, Joshua D @jtrebach

Neuroscience (#NeuroScience)
Bellec, Pierre @pierre_bellec
Cardona, Albert @albertcardona
Case, Sami @samilcase
Chiong, Winston @winstonchiong
Desrochers, Theresa M @DesrochersLab
Elsilä, Lauri @laurielsila
Gellersen, Helena M @helenagellersen
Haun, Andrew M @amhaun
John, Yohan J @DrYohanJohn
Kachlicka, Magdalena @mkachlicka
Kanev, Jacob @jkanev
Karmarkar, Uma R @uma_karma
Leterrier, Christophe @christlet
Miller, Earl K @ekmiller
Moleman, Peter @MolemanPeter
Negwer, Moritz @moritz_negwer
Olsen, Rosanna @RosannaOlsen
O’Mara, Shane @shaneomara
Popescu, Gabriela K @PopStarLab
Schultz, Simon R @neuralengine
Timberlake, Ben @ByBenTimberlake
Wu, Wayne @attninaction
van Bree, Sander @sandervanbree

Pharmacology (#Pharmacology)
Bartos, Piia @piiabartos
Case, Sami @samilcase
Elsilä, Lauri @laurielsila
Feldman, Ryan @EMPoisonPharmD
Konrad, David @dbkonrad
Moleman, Peter @MolemanPeter
Rutz, Adriano @adafede

Physiology (#Physiology)
Olson, Christopher R @ChristophROlson
Schumacher, Michael A @schumacher

Psychiatry (#Psychiatry)
Anderson, Chase TM @ChaseTMAnderson
Bortolotti, Lisa @lisabortolotti
Briscoe, Joshua @jcbriscoe
Eckert, Anna-Lena @eckertal
Grothe, Christine @christinegrothe
Lee, Kangjoo @kangjoolee
Turban, Jack L @jackturban
Urgelés, Diego @urgeles

Taxonomy (#Taxonomy)
Brabant, Craig @mutillidae
Brignoli, Gino @gino
Musetti, Luciana @DrLu_Musetti
Plazi Species @plazi_species

Toxicology (#Toxicology)
Feldman, Ryan @EMPoisonPharmD
Trebach, Joshua D @jtrebach

Veterinary Medicine (#VeterinaryMedicine)
Firth, Clair @Buxton_Vienna
Mekaru, Sumiko @Sumiko_Mekaru
Nordquist, Rebecca @renordquist
van Vlie, Arnoud @dutchscientist
Voss, Sarah J @Sarah_J_Voss
Wakeham, David @wakehamAMR

Wildlife Epidemiology (#WildlifeEpidemiology)
Shriner, Susan A @SusanAShriner

For more extensive lists consisting of academics on Mastodon Click Here. Also, for an excellent set of curated science, philosophy, and mathematics lists covering podcasts, Mastodon, and Bluesky Click Here

(Click to access Formal & Social Sciences)

(See Index For More Hashtags)

#SciFedi #Scientists #FediScientists

I'm following the devastating news from Slovenia, where one month's worth of rain fell in 24 hours. It's the biggest natural disaster in the young country's 32-year history. Large parts of the country are flooded. I can't even begin to imagine the time and money needed to recover from this.

But it's hard to find non-Slovenian coverage of this disaster. Press agencies like Reuters and AP are reporting it, but newspapers in, say, Germany or the US aren't picking it up.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.