@trinsec I’m a HUGE gyro fan! I toot about it too much probably.
@trinsec oh yeah! Not driving, it is best as a replacement for the mouse in first person shooters.
@gpowerf I've finally played the Aperture Desk Job. That gave me a much better insight in what the gyro can do. Not bad. Though I likely won't play shooters because I just don't like shooters. :D
The coming days I'll have a few 512GB microSDXC cards in, then I can install the bigger games. The internal storage is almost full. :P
@trinsec enjoy it 👍
@gpowerf I've tried it a bit with Toy Box Turbo since I had that installed and it was with little racing cars.
Well, I was already bad at it before with the joypad. I am absolutely a terrible driver with the gyro. 😅
I probably should search for some 3D game for it sometime, but I really dislike playing those games with joypads/trackpads.