I started using packing cubes this trip to prepare for packing rather than just throwing everything in my luggage... I reallly am liking where this is going. I feel like it will make traveling a lot easier. Certainly makes packing up a bit easier since i dont need a space devoted to my luggage being open for a few days.
@freemo pic or link? first I've heard of it...
@freemo @freeschool
Have used a Zuca Pro for some yrs now. It came with a set of similar pouches, fantastic piece of gear.
@freemo @freeschool
Of course, Zuca’s pouches can used elsewhere. While the Pro is sized to comply with std IATA airline carry on dimensions some European airlines eschew IATA recs & make their own rules (eg Ryanair) so I’ll use the pouches but in another piece of luggage. IKEA sold packing pouch sets too, don’t know if they’re in the present product range.
Back int he fay fine luggage would have it built in. I always loved that idea (never owned it). Then i realized this is actually better since it can account for variation in size of a compartment (the compression part). In fact with these I could probably start using much smaller luggage.