"All my classes suddenly became AI classes
We can't beat AI, but it doesn't need to beat us (or our students)"
#AI #ChatGPT #edutooter @edutooters #EdTech
@MrsDi @edutooters Yeah, it reminds me of our great shift in engineering from slide rules to calculators. :)
@hasmis @MrsDi @edutooters
The biggest difference between #ChatGPT and the humble slide rule: Given the right inputs, the slide rule was reliable and easily verifiable. Not so with ChatGPT and the calculator. I still remember half a class of engineering students screaming at the other half who couldn't agree on the correct answer. Nobody could explain it without inspecting the differences in the chipsets.
@EggKnees @MrsDi @edutooters Half the class had HP calculators with Reverse Polish notation, vs. Texas Instruments. Such huge fights between rich and poor. The slide rule had great errors with decimal places. :)
@hasmis @MrsDi @edutooters
Decimal places were insignificant. The class was struggling with tenths of inches ;)
@EggKnees @MrsDi @edutooters And then we made little jets from computer cards, and shot them with elastics through an open window, at the passersby. Extra point for impact! I mean, really, walking by an engineering building -- what do you expect. We ran very fast. Computer cards were banned after that. :)
@hasmis @EggKnees @edutooters
I absolutely love the visual image I get from reading this!