day 27
A Little Wordy #27 💥✅ 87%
glad I didn't go for the visual clue today
Am I misunderstanding something?
This appears to be a stunningly irresponsible story in Science, claiming that up to 30% of the scientific literature is fake.
Below, the first two paragraphs of the story.
h/t @Hoch
I'm not planning to leave Twitter at the moment, but I'd say in the last couple of weeks I've reached the point where if I was not on Twitter, I would not miss it all that much. Thanks to Mastodon and other services, what Twitter gives me as a user is replaceable. If that's true of me, it's true of others. That should scare Elon Musk a whole lot.
Whoa, saw this toot in my TL and found out that @GraphicMatt is on Mastodon. He is a must follow for anyone in #Toronto. Have been following him on twitter for years.
@DannyBehar @davemark @gruber
the video was indeed posted today. I watched it.
some of the AI things he showed are nice but they are not tied in any way to his other main idea, that of projecting staff on your hand and using only voice controls. That seems absolutely terrible to me. FAR less capable and FAR less convenient than a phone. what if I want to scroll Mastodon, or watch a video, or look at a map, or play a game?
day 25
A Little Wordy #25 💥🎨✅ 83%
I didn't know this word. is it commonly used?
Trump bei CNN: Lügen, Spott und große Versprechen
Parts of U.S. and Canada brace for potentially historic heat wave - The Washington Post “
“A heat wave that looks like the historic June 2021 event #HeatDome is getting underway in parts of northern Canada. It will eventually spread to #BritishColumbia and #Alberta, as well as into the northern United States.”
“All areas in magenta indicate a record breaking mid-upper level (500mb) ridge by the weekend. This is an immense #HeatDome maxing out at 4.2 standard deviations (sigma) from the mean. A ridge magnitude on par with June 2021”
Gun nutters in US: come and try to take our guns, we dare you!
Thieves: Your proposal is acceptable.
I don't think it's sufficiently sunk in for people that the entire "controversy" over Bud Light's partnership with Dylan Mulvaney was that she exists and the right doesn't want trans people to exist.
She didn't do anything. They sent bomb threats to beer bottling plants and cowed a brand into submission over a popular trans woman merely existing.
The right is saing they get decided who is allowed to live their lives in peace and who isn't, and they'll enforce it with threats and violence.
Harbored "neo-nazi ideation" here is a funny way of downplaying that he had nazi tattoos and sometimes signed off his posts "heil hitler"
day 23
A Little Wordy #23 🎨💥✅ 83%
still don't understand the visual clue today
Refugee from twitter. I am into math, tech, clean energy, EVs, COVID info, books, movies, music.
Based in Toronto. Support Ukraine.
Boosts=endorsements twitter: