For me at least, getting onto @Mastodon and appreciating the structure of the platform and the tone of conversation has made these other pop-up social networks (Twitter replacements) totally unattractive. No, I don’t want to move up on a wait list by “referring 5 friends”; no, I don’t want to be part of another Jack Dorsey project; no, I don’t want to be part of something with weird completely top-down control. Mastodon broke me for other platforms.
Another app that uses Runestone has seen the light of day
Where to find Verge staff on Mastodon -
#Twitter suspends #Mastodon account, prevents sharing links: Our statement
ICYMI: Drafts now supports Mastodon integration. Get example actions, including some advanced scripted example, in our integration guide:
An irregular reminder that calling this place "Mastodon" has a bit similar energy as saying "I just sent you a GMail."
"Fediverse" (or "fedi") is a better term.
Mastodon is just one of many software projects that talk to each other to create this multi-instance social network:
(kudos to @axbom for this fantastic infographic!)
There are blogs, Reddit-like communities, video instances and many more, all part of fedi.
Ayer leí una historia corta publicada en 2018 que me pareció enorme.
Se llama #STET, de Sarah Gailey. Lo más notable de la historia es el formato: un único párrafo, las notas al pie y las anotaciones de la editora. Suficiente como para atticular una historia distópica sobre IA y coches autónomos. Una reinterpretación magistral del problema del tranvía.
Lo podéis leer aquí:
Pensando en la absoluta genialidad que era el doblaje de Los Simpsons de Carlos Revilla. La manera en que tradujeron "See my Vest" es sencillamente soberbia.
Like many others, when Mastodon first launched, I didn't really pay attention to it and the vision @Gargron had for a decentralized social network. And I wish I did.
Now that we're here, I hope other publications can follow the @macstories approach: own your identity, control your tech, and engage with your audience everywhere.
We have lots of ideas for how we can take this further with MacStories 5.0. It feels liberating and exciting to do all of this now.
Many of the journalists Elon suspended today on Twitter are here on #Mastodon. Please follow and boost:
Drew Harwell, Washington Post
Donie O’Sullivan, CNN
Steve Herman, VOA
Micah Lee, Intercept
Tony Webster
Matt Binder, Mashable
Crear grupos en Mastodon
Por si alguien todavía no lo sabe, existe un servicio para crear grupos de manera muy sencilla en Mastodon.
En el campo de búsqueda se escribe el nombre del grupo que queramos crear o simplemente lo mencionamos como
@ NombreDelGrupo @
y se creará automáticamente con perfil e historial en
Para publicar sólo habrá que mencionar el grupo en los toots y para suscribirse se hará como cualquier otro usuario.
@noracodes I really resent the whole "Mastodon is too technical" thing because
1) it feels like a concerted effort by a subset of influencers and opinion leaders who have realised that Mastodon is a lot harder to game and they may not be able to preserve clout they didn't earn, and
2) I'm a music major who doesn't use cohost because I couldn't CSS my way out of a wet paper bag, and I picked up Mastodon inside a couple of minutes, tops. People are trying to speak "Mastodon is too hard" into existence because they don't want their world to change, but an unchanging world is a luxury some of us have never had.
He/Him. Molecular scientist, Postdoc at Stanford. Plays with flies for a living.
I'm interested in too many things for the time a lifetime has. Some of them: board games, RPGs, music, playing my guitar, learning new languages, TV shows, tech and visiting new places.
I toot in English and Spanish.