Las grandes corporaciones de combustibles fósiles fueron las primeras en tener datos científicos del impacto de sus actividades en el clima. Hasta hace nada se creía que la mayoría conocía el problema desde los 80, siendo #Exxon la primera, con un informe interno en 1977.
Pero recientemente documentos desclasificados han demostrado que #Shell empezó a recabar información en los 60 y tenía informes científicos en 1975, que decidieron ignorar.
Lol. From an @alaric thread, I was just reminded of this thing that absolutely did not age well from the CEO of a website who charges $400/year for insights "you won't find anywhere else."
Today is the #TransDayOfVisibility, and this year more than ever, trans folks need _everyone_ (yes, including you) to help fight against truly hateful legislation seeking to actively harm trans people. Trans rights are human rights, and trans folks deserve to be treated with the same rights, dignity, and respect as anyone else. 🩵🩷🤍
Some resources:
Map showing risk status by state:
Detailed info on legislation across the US:
I'm really disappointed, and yet sadly not surprised, that we've had so many reports of abuse today after people have posted their support for the #TransDayOfVisibility. This only shows how important this is. There is an ever increasing amount of legislation, vitriol and hate against the trans members of our community who just want to be live their lives, and be treated with the same rights, dignity, and respect as everyone else. All they're asking is to exist without being afraid every time they step out of the house or open a web browser. No-one should have to fear taking up space in the world.
So, to all my #trans friends, you are seen, you are respected, you are loved.
Today is International Transgender Day of Visibility and it's more important now than ever before.
Trans and non-binary people face an increasingly hostile world with politicians who would vilify them for their political gain rather than to protect them.
At the moment existence is activism, but trans people have always existed, and trans people will always exist.
Hatred and intolerance will never, ever win.
I don’t know whether it’s me getting older or the Internet getting older— but things feel significantly less silly now. Everything is very produced, yet sterile. Everything only exists if it can make money. If it can’t, it either doesn’t get made or dies off.
There was a magical time where it seemed everyone thought this was all experimental. Things were made because they were fun to make. That experimental nature gave us all permission to be weird. Now, it seems, everyone strives for “normal.”
@emilcar hace no mucho hablaste de JustWatch en Daily y me pasa lo mismo que a ti desde que dejé iShowsTV… nada me ha convencido. Acabo de descubrir Sequel, me ha parecido genial, y me he acordado de aquel Daily. Te dejo el enlace por aqui, quizá te interese! Desde luego la UI no parece diseñada por un mono como la de JustWatch… 🙃
‼️Mastodon y ciencia: potencial y limitaciones.‼️
En este estudio queremos averiguarlo. ¿Nos ayudas respondiendo la encuesta o haciendo #boost? 😉
#Mastodon #AcademicMastodon #ScienceMastodon #scicomm #histodons #commodon @academicchatter @academicsunite
Ey mastodon ciencia 👩🔬👨🔬 🔬 🌎 !!!
Si tenéis un segundo podéis responder a esta encuesta sobre el uso de esta nuestra red social por parte de la comunidad científica, es cortita y no cuesta nada.
Gracias muchas, soletes
The Apple and iOS community lost one of the truly good ones recently.
Alex Hay, the developer of Toolbox Pro for Shortcuts, passed away last Saturday after a battle with cancer. He was 36.
The news left me devastated. With his family's blessing, we've decided to dedicate @AutomationApril to his memory. We'll be making donations to two cancer charities in his name; we encourage those who were fans of his work to do the same.
Alex was pure talent. We'll miss you.
This suuuuuucks. DPReview is a great website and YouTube channel—probably the best of its kind in the world. But I guess that doesn't matter to the bean counters.
@ivory You might want to rather use \b instead of (space), so you're also able to match hashtags and other non-alpha-numeric chars.
Per @Shine_McShine "As a rule of thumb, before developing or releasing any new "disruptive" tech, ask yourself these three questions:
· What would venture capitalists do with this new tech?
· What would 4chan do with this new tech?
· What would the state of Israel do with this new tech?"
My answers:
a) Move fast and break things
b) Move fast and break people
c) Move fast and break the peace
Oh, man. This comic — from 1993 — could NOT be more relevant today. As usual, Bill Watterson hits it out of the park.
Ahora que la BBC ha decidido censurar a sir David Attenborough porque la derecha no está dispuesta a admitir que sus políticas están destruyendo el planeta, es un buen momento para rescatar una anécdota poco conocida que ilustra hasta qué punto el naturalista y documentalista británico es, además de un tesoro nacional, una persona valiente y comprometida.
It's international women's day.
While you're talking about solidarity, don't forget:
- trans women
- disabled women
- Black Women, Indigenous Women, and Women of Colour
- women in prisons
- women with addiction issues
- old and elderly women
- women who are sex workers
...the list goes on.
Remember all the women who are ignored and forgotten, even on days they're meant to be remembered.
"The truth is, no one of us can be free until everybody is free." - Maya Angelou
I guess it's time to move my prescriptions away from Walgreens.
I expect a pharmacy to remove medications in a state where they've become illegal. I can even understand (though not agree with) not selling certain medications at all because you don't think they should be used. But Walgreens is stopping the sale of legal medications just because certain state AGs are looking to move up the GOP ladder.
He/Him. Molecular scientist, Postdoc at Stanford. Plays with flies for a living.
I'm interested in too many things for the time a lifetime has. Some of them: board games, RPGs, music, playing my guitar, learning new languages, TV shows, tech and visiting new places.
I toot in English and Spanish.