Yes that was me! Thanks for the shoutout and welcome!
Let me introduce myself! My name is Ilenna Jones, I am a computational neuroscientist with keen interest on how dendrites contribute to a singular neuron's ability to compute functions and learn tasks. I build biophysical models of neurons in #pytorch and use #deeplearning principles to investigate how #neuron models can learn and compute given their biologically realistic constraints.
I'm looking for postdocs right now! Feel free to connect if you're looking for someone like me!
I'm very interested in helping other students find resources and guidance as they consider science and #neuroscience in general. Feel free to connect if you're looking for advice/perspectives!
#computationalneuroscience #theoreticalneuroscience #neuroscience #neuralcomputation #learning #modeling #BlackInNeuro #FirstGen #Questbridge
| Cellular/Molecular-turned-Computational Neuroscientist |
| But what do neurons even do?? |
| Neuro <-> AI |
| HHMI Gilliam Fellow |
| In the KordingLab |
| UPenn |
| Just here for fun. |