"If you’ve ever wondered how social media is changing our society, we’re finally seeing a debate that’s not just a bunch of hot takes. Professors from the world’s leading universities are now weighing in, taking into account a vast body of studies to draw conclusions about the actual impact of Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, etc. on the way we live."


@obi Is it? You could say the same thing about lots of things. Flashmobs for example.

"Flashmobs first gained popularity with their synchronized dancing, mega-pillow fights, and the like. It now appears that the thugs have interjected their own version of flash mobs: large roving bands of predators hunting their next prey."


@jaysonmassey Interesting. So like all systems, with growth over time they all devolve negatively. Is this due to exploitation during growth?

@obi I had to think about that question. It's not one that I would be an expert in, I'm sure there are better people to ask!

@obi I think I have an answer, but it's very incomplete. Human systems fail due to lack of empathy.

Hubris (it's always been that way) and selfishness (what's the most that I can get out of this) are two powerful symptoms of a failing human system.

One other is lack of accountability, like robbing graves in ancient Egypt.

Another is too much accountability, that would be authoritarianism, like Iran.

I was thinking less about the Internet and more about the fall of Rome or Egypt. It still applies though. Remember MySpace? Total hubris.

@jaysonmassey what you call lack of empathy I usually describe simply as human nature I think. Unfortunately, I feel, that these negative aspects of humanity are caused by the rapid technological revolution of humans as a species. Unfortunately the negative traits spelled success for survival among the human race for a long time. Evolution is just too slow. Technology growth too fast. I'm still usure of the future, I thought over the next few thousand years or so, with our newly relative comfortable lives, these traits would phase out over time. Unfortunately, having these traits still leads to success, not for survival but for prosperity. I hope I'm wrong and someday we overcome these negative traits, however I have seen no evidence (unfortunately) that this is the case.

Thanks for your response. You got me thinking.

@obi I like this video about sympathy vs empathy. It's very interesting AND only three minutes.


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