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"You are the great great grandnephew of Carter G. Woodson, she told him. Woodson is the man behind Negro history week, which ultimately became Black History Month. She said Brett should be proud of this fact, he should even brag about it."

Do yourself a favor and post some stuff on here.

See who responds negatively and BLOCK THEIR ENTIRE DOMAIN!

How? Click on the offender's profile, then click the hamburger (the three dots ...); on the bottom of the menu, click 'Block Domain'

Now, that blocks all of the people on that server. Some of them COULD be cool...but honestly, why bother figuring that out? Just move on.

Simple! Easy! Enjoy your Mastodon!

"’s also true that one of the most fascinating aspects of African American studies is the rich history of debate over issues like this, and especially over what it has meant — and continues to mean — to be “Black” in a nation with such a long and troubled history of human slavery at the core of its economic system for two-and-a-half centuries."

"The malware would redirect the visitors to a different website, where ads hosted on the Google Ads platform would load, bringing in profits for the website’s owners."\

“Throughout his lifetime, Purvis publicly related the story of acquiring a passport, most notably when citizenship for Black people was being hotly debated"

"Nicholas created Leon, a Black superhero, nearly 20 years ago after realizing growing up that he didn't see superheroes who looked like him."

"Whether you want to give out access to your current location or not, you should be in control of these settings, and not be caught unawares by additional options that you missed."

"Because of her efforts to fight disability discrimination, millions of people with disabilities can live, work, and receive services in their own homes and communities.

Lois Curtis (“L.C.”) was the lead plaintiff in the 1999 United States Supreme Court decision, Olmstead v. L.C. In this landmark decision, the Supreme Court recognized that unnecessary institutionalization of people with disabilities is disability discrimination. "

Imagine you're being operated on and there's a medical device sales rep, who is not only watching the procedure but gleefully texting smiley face emojis to their colleague every time one of their devices gets put into your body.

New, chilling reporting from @ProPublica & @AnnieWaldman

I want you to notice the effect this one person has had on people by doing a terrible job and abusing his authority and job status.

"For almost a decade, Watts and his team preyed on innocent people at the Ida B. Wells Homes public housing project, where they extorted money and planted drugs and guns, knowing their victims – largely Black and low-income residents – wouldn't be believed"

"Tillman, a literal manifestation of the idea that football players are troops, will always be uniquely useful to the league in its quest to maintain its status as an American institution."

“Much like the larger history of Black music, there is always this tension between the creativity and innovation that happens in the Black community and how that music exists in the broader community"

Ruth Ben-Ghiat says,

"The strongman is at his worst as a leader when he is most needed by his country," I write in Strongmen. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's response to the devastating earthquakes that struck Turkey and Syria last week offers the latest example of this sad reality. Autocrats lack empathy, and they see humanitarian impulses as weakness. Their priority in any situation is never public welfare, but rather self-preservation."

#autocracy #Turkey

"K. Leroy Irvis became Pennsylvania’s first Black speaker of the House in 1977, and the first Black speaker in any state legislature since reconstruction. We examined how Irvis’  rise to the speaker’s rostrum, which has some striking parallels to today’s state House, could provide lawmakers with a precedent on how to chart a path forward through gridlock, disagreement and confusion."

"At first, the scammer may spend time getting to know you online. But eventually, the scammer will ask for money. Often, the request will be linked to an alleged emergency, like issues with accessing bank accounts, jail-related or legal costs, or medical expenses. Scammers are also increasingly posing as successful cryptocurrency investors who claim they can teach you how to make your own fortune.

No matter the line, it's all a lie."

This is how to actively respond to a threat to your personal or professional reputation. Strong, factual, and jargonless.

You can find this book, 'They Were Her Property: White Women as Slave Owners in the American South' at Unfortunately, slaves were used as labor for very long time in America...up to the 1960s.

"white women make up about 40% of all slave owners.

White women were active and violent participants in the slave market. They bought, sold, managed and sought the return of enslaved people, in whom they had a vested economic interest.

Owning a large number of enslaved people made a woman a better marriage prospect. Once married, white women fought in courts to preserve their legal ownership over enslaved people (as opposed to their husband’s ownership), and often won. “"

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
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