I am very happy to announce that our lab will soon move to the University of #Heidelberg to join the Centre for Organismal Studies (COS)
We will build up a new department on Evolutionary Neurobiology with a focus on marine larval behaviour, comparative #connectomics, molecular organismal biology, #neuromodulation and related topics.
#neuroscience #evolution
There will be new #postdoc and #PhD openings, if you are interested to work with us, please get in touch. Possible topics include #Platynereis neurobiology, eye #evolution, #connectomics, the behaviour of ciliated #larvae etc. You can work on a growing selection of organisms kept in the lab, including Platynereis (still our no. 1), #Trichoplax, #Nematostella or join more exotic projects investigating hard-to-culture marine animals including polyclads, hemichordates or amphioxus.
@jekely this is great news! I’m happy to hear this! Good luck… and… have fun!!!
@florianjug Thanks Florian! We are happy about it, and hopefully we will enjoy the new life HD can offer!
@allan_littlecar Thanks Allan! Not much on funky annelids at the moment, but happy to discuss!
Alternatively, if you have experience in electron microscopy or image analysis and are interested in volume EM, you can join our #volumeEM projects either to do EM or work on the data analysis side of volume EM and connectomics projects