En Google Maps ahora hay un golfo que aparece como "Golfo de México (Golfo de América)". En Bing Maps, si lo pones en castellano pone "Golfo de México" y si lo pones en inglés "Gulf of America".
Pues nada, a buscar alternativas que no cometan este tipo de errores:
- https://www.openstreetmap.org: estos los mares no los cubren, así que no nombran golfos.
- https://www.mapquest.com
- https://es.mapy.cz/zakladni?x=-90.5878407&y=24.9059599&z=6
- https://wego.here.com
Billionaires didn't become billionaires by caring about people. They became billionaires by exploiting people.
So when you see billionaires work to dismantle the CFPB, US AID, NIH, CDC, and social welfare programs in general, know that it isn't because they think it'll help people.
It's because all they know how to do is exploit.
That's who they are.
44 million Ukrainians have been attacked by a ruthless dictator. European countries have invested 125 billion euro in defeating Russia. But forget all that, because a Fox News host says that defending democracy is not realistic, and this whole war thing is too expensive anyway.
It is time for the democratic countries to decouple from the failed US leadership and take the lead.
Russia must be defeated.
Por aquí veo usar mucho spotify y no se si sabeis que además de no pagar a sus artistas ese dinero se lo da a Trump.
Again, we don't have a progressive party, not even a liberal one, let alone a leftist one. Not even center-left. We have a conservative party and a fascist party. And the sole reason is because genuine leftism-liberalism-progressivism is a threat to the wealthy and the white patriarchal social order. Because our elites sit on top of that hierarchy, they use every method available to crush those movements out of existence. "Fund the police!" is the battle cry of the elites.
@RickiTarr off-topic slightly, but also stop running cruise ships to Antarctica.
Yes, I had multiple friends go to Antarctica last year. One of them just got back from snorkeling in the Cook Islands.
Sorry, grumpy old man ranting at nobody...
Hot Take:
It should be illegal to climb Mount Everest. It's been done, and now it's just covered in dead bodies and trash. It also costs 30k to climb the mountain, at the lowest end. This means the only people doing it are rich fucks. If you don't live there or you aren't a scientist, wtf are you doing, stop trying to prove your worth and do something worthy with an entire year's salary.
Hoy, en "Aventuras en el Enshittoceno":
Stellantis, la compañía matriz de marcas como Jeep, Dodge o Chrysler acaba de intruducir su última novedad; ahora, cada vez que tu coche se para en un stop o en un semáforo, la pantalla del navegador te muestra anuncios.
Cuando decimos que tienen un sinfín de recursos a disposición si quisieran hacer las cosas bien, nos referimos a esto: Hacen un artículo sobre MAFALDA de Quino, de la que tienen miles de imágenes a disposición para usar y citar. Pero promptean Mafalda en Midjourney porque les importa UNA MIERDA! 🤦
The BBC studied the use of its content in LLM output. It found that 91% of the output had mistakes. 51% of the mistakes were "significant."
I will not give up this fight. This technology is detrimental to human knowledge.
Wikipedia is rolling out anonymity features piloted in countries with authoritarian governments in the US & is making a change to not show editor IP addresses in response to a global "increase in threats" from Elon Musk, Heritage Foundation, and governments
Hoy ha tocado mapear Calsinas, uno de los barrios altos de Santa Cruz.
Y sí, cuántas más cosas de vergüenza hace Google, más contento estoy de aportar altruistamente a #OpenStreetMaps.
Porque en medio de toda la salva de barbaridades el Donald™ tenía que incluir una buena idea: #Trump dice que ha ordenado dejar de acuñar monedas de un centavo. El "penique" (que es como se la sigue llamando) vale una centésima parte de un dólar, pero producir cada uno de ellos cuesta 3,70 centavos. Eso significa que el Tesoro pierde dinero por cada penique acuñado.
Por supuesto, el penique tenía su 'lobby': productores de cobre (por razones obvias) (...)
Me bajé del pájaro y me subí al mastodonte. Pasé de la #ciencia al desarrollo de software, sobre todo #web.
I got down from the bird and jumped onto the mastodon. Went from #science to software development, mostly #webdev.
No, you can't use my content to train your AI, nor use it in any other place at all. Copyright applies strictly. But you already know it, right?