@freemo Depending on which salt you pick, it might not even dissolve when you use it!
@freemo When I used to teach lab it wasn't, but I honestly can't recall it's exactly Ksp. I'm fairly certain that *technically* all "insoluble salts" are partially soluble to some degree, but functionally I think your boat would be fine...as long as you can find a way to make silver chloride crystals large enough that it'll stay in one piece xD
@freemo Oh actually it's in the near micromolar solubility so you're fine.
@johnabs just enough solubility to ensure I dont get barnicles. The salt would very slowly dissolve and they would fall off over time :)
:The hard part is getting the maintanence "Hey my boats hull is getting kinda thin, would you mind adding a few new layers of salt to it, thanks"...
@johnabs pretty sure silver choloride is at least partly soluble in water... isnt it?