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John BS boosted

Why the Elon Musk issue is a total red herring. *This* is the real danger — and will remain unchanged, regardless of which billionaire runs the platform.


Docs show Facebook and Twitter closely collaborating w/ Dept of Homeland Security, FBI to police “disinfo.” Plans to expand censorship on topics like withdrawal from Afghanistan, origins of COVID, info that undermines trust in financial institutions.


So I just shaved my head due to stress (and eventually covid) induced alopecia. Literally lost nearly 30% of my heads surface area of hair within the last 6 months 🙃

Honestly, I think I rock the look (imagine discount Michael Stevens from VSauce), but my head is bloody freezing and this was not something I was expecting when I finally decided to go through with it 😂

So Guix System is pretty sick, but certain packages are still a little buggy, so I'm still stuck with my arch box for now :( Once I can install packages on Julia again, I'm swapping back to my Framework+Guix box.

Complaining time!

So, I finally caught Covid, likely from one of my students. First, I had a slightly sore throat; I though it was just from staying up late practicing for my conference talk. That same day I went out to lunch, as I didn’t know I was exposed to Covid…except later that day it started kicking my butt and stealing my lunch money.

First, the horrendous fatigue and 102F fever that knocked me out for a few days, then my throat hurt horribly for two days during which I only ate ice chips: apparently, the covid-laced phlegm contains traces of virus, white blood cells, and fluoroantimonic acid. Then I coughed until I almost threw up multiple times yesterday. Now? I can’t cough, laugh, or sneeze without my abs screaming at me from all the coughing yesterday. Oh, and my recurrent tooth/gum infection came back at the same time just to spite me.

To top it all off, my wife caught it, and so did at least one of my colleagues/collaborators/coadvisors during that lunch I mentioned…because the initial symptoms were practically unnoticeable.

Overall, this is the 2nd worse I’ve ever felt, only eclipsed by my 2 week stay in the hospital with pneumonia as a 10 year old, and I missed my first ever invited conference presentation because of it. 😭

0/5 stars , would not recommend.

So I recently replaced my key switches on my keychron q1 with some really sick drop holy pandas. I really enjoy the more "thock"-y nature of these keys over my old clicky blues, and the fact they come pre-lubed is a huge plus.

There's still a bit of case ping, particularly on stabilized keys and the arrow keys, but the higher actuation force really improves the overall typing experience IMO. Though, getting used to it is taking a bit of time for my muscle memory to adapt 😅

John BS boosted

Legendary book. For all young folk out there: start here!


A very unique textbook "Information theory, inference and learning algorithms" by Sir MacKay combining Information Theory with Machine Learning. Nicely written!
Book PDF freely available at:


Really diving into common lisp to write code for my startup. It's pretty sick.

John BS boosted

With the recent announcement that #Stadia is shuttering, this comic is once again very relevant:

John BS boosted

All the bike lanes in the Netherlands
i'm so fucking jealous this is litterally the entire country

Does anybody have experience with Disroot who's willing to provide their opinion?

Pricing seems very reasonable but I'm somewhat dubious of privacy claims, considering many "private" utilities have inevitably been compromised by government orders or bad behavior (e.g protonmail, tutanota, lavabit, etc.)

Very interesting takes here! Someone tell me why he's wrong, or why we aren't doing better if he's right. Cleaner energy is always a good thing, right?

Yeah, CommonLisp and Julia (which is Lisp based, funnily enough) are solidly my top languages of all time, and they should be yours too. Fight me 😂

I legitimately don’t understand why people didn’t just stick with it after it was developed in the 60s. It has so many excellent features, the syntax keeps getting cleaner due to macros, it’s really fast, and the major complaint is just the parentheses? I’d trade the parens for interactive, stack-preserving debugging any day.

I’m hoping we can have a bit of a CommonLisp “revival” soon, as it’s incredibly stable and just gets so many things right. The only downside is a lack of community/”political will” so-to-speak, to get people to get through the prickly intro and to be able to really see how excellent it is.

John BS boosted


I can’t believe we spent 20 years making desktop software work well then just decided, “no choice but to make it all shitty forever in a web browser, oh well.”


John BS boosted


The BEST reference and citation management software for academics: Zotero

But not many academics know how to use it.

Here's how to get started 👇

Zotero 101: A step-by-step guide with visuals 🧵


My wife: "All my best memories are of chocolate 🤤"
Me: "What about our marriage? 😢"
My wife: 😳
Me: 😭😂😂😂

For context, our anniversary is tomorrow...😑

It is officially time I master lisp so I can reach enlightenment.

Does anybody know of any privacy respecting home security hardware? I can't find any and it's seriously pissing me off

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