Last bit of ChatGPT fun for the evening. I asked it to write an argument for the government regulating artificial intelligence.

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I asked ChatGPT (a large transformer-based language model created by OpenAI) to write a python script that takes a file and splits it into train and test samples with a 80-20 ratio.

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Key changes in popular music have virtually disappeared in the last fifteen years. This article discusses the factors at play.

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One of the great pleasures of my regular park walks is running into wildlife like this barred owl. The photo looks a bit painterly because I had to zoom in on a low-quality camera phone.

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I ran across the FLICC model of science denial a while ago while reading How to Talk to a Science Denier by Lee McIntyre. I can say that throughout the years of engaging flat-earthers, stop-the-stealers, creationists, Covid deniers, vaccine skeptics, QAnon believers, and the like, I have faced every one of the techniques outlined. (Image Source)

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Efforts to save the endangered Fender’s blue butterfly have resulted in quadrupling the population as well as helping save its host plant, the Kincaid’s lupine, from a similar fate!

“[T]he species is slated to be downlisted from endangered to threatened. If this status change is finalized, as is expected to happen this year, Fender’s blue will become only the second insect to have recovered in the history of the Endangered Species Act.” (Story Source, Image Source)

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“Each dot is an entire galaxy containing billions of stars… The galaxies seen in this image are all in the distant Universe and appear as they did 10-12 billion years ago. They are colour coded in blue, green, and red to represent the three wavebands used for Herschels observation. Those appearing in white have equal intensity in all three bands and are the ones forming the most stars. The galaxies shown in red are likely to be the most distant, appearing as they did around 12 billion years ago.” (Source)

And, yes, the image does look like a picture of a 1970’s brown carpet.

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“This video is taken from a 16-mm movie made in the 1950s by the late David Rogers at Vanderbilt University… It depicts a human polymorphonuclear leukocyte (neutrophil) [a type of white blood cell] on a blood film, crawling among red blood cells… The neutrophil is ‘chasing’ Staphylococcus aureus microorganisms, added to the film.” (Source)

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"Just a few hundred million years after the Big Bang, there are already lots of galaxies," says Tommaso Treu, an astronomer at the University of California at Los Angeles. "JWST has opened up a new frontier, bringing us closer to understanding how it all began."

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