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@BitBun I had a boss who once said to me: “Always play dumb. It's worth it.”

I didn't follow her advice, tried to be competent and all I got was a meeting on Monday with somebody else's client outside my working hours. FML.

josemanuel boosted

Direct action is the insistence, when faced with structures of unjust authority, on acting as if one is already free.
-- David Graeber

#anarchism #quote #bot

@noyoushutthefuckupdad I would argue that it never became really popular. It was just transformed into something pallatable to normies, and ruined in the process. Think about how normal people react, even today, when confronted with a command line.

Nerds used to be artisans (left to our own devices, we created great things), but bullshitters like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs wanted to turn us into a chain gang, and they're succeeding.

@coolboymew @mangeurdenuage

@iron_bug I was half-joking. Of course what I said was only true on a very superficial level, but my point was that, even though both disrupt the control flow, one is generally seen as a good thing with no visible influence on program verification, and the other is not, even though both can be misused (as @pkw pointed out) and used acceptably (as you mentioned yourself).

Thrown exceptions are just socially acceptable gotos.

@eSheep A couple of weeks ago we were seriously discussing setting fire to the other company we were working with, and how we could get away with it.

josemanuel boosted

Here is a piece of really colorful + fun #elephant #art made by Sunthorn, a local artist who shows his stuff at my friend Muai's studio + gallery; msg me if interested! It's painted with oil paint on canvas 🩷💛🧡💙💚💜❤️ #art #artforsale #nature #naturelover #naturelovers #artist #artists #artmarket #artfinder #artwork #illustration #elephants #supportthearts #supportlivingartists #handmade #artgallery #artgalleries #artforsale #color #colorful #fun #cute #artnet #decor #interiors #interiordecorating

@LibrosdeBabel Sí, porque _El gran Gatsby_ o _Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer_, una mierda en comparación. O _Matadero cinco_, _La conjura de los necios_ o _Catch-22_. Todo basura. Por no hablar de _Fookner_. Supongo que en este pueblo ya nadie siente adoración por Fookner.

@brucknerite En mi opinión, los sindicatos negociaron muy mal el tema del teletrabajo cuando tuvieron ocasión (probablemente porque ellos mismos están en contra): priorizaron chorradas como el gasto en electricidad en lugar de poner pie en pared y decir: esto es un derecho, y queremos que se legisle y regule como tal. Que a ningún trabajador que pueda y quiera teletrabajar se le pueda obligar a ir a la oficina.

@euklidiadas @espanabizarra @rinze

@juanfr I find it funny that the price tag is bigger than the headlines.

@0x1C3B00DA They harassed him out of here because he had used a shared blocklist which included them as notorious harassers.


Not a fan of Sean Tilley, and the article has several glaring errors, but I'm glad someone else agrees with me on the Fediverse not being the Utopia many made it out to be. It is the most toxic place I've ever been on the Internet. The only reason I'm still around is that there's good people too, most of them _not_ on Mastodon.

Content Nation Backlash Highlights Mastodon's Toxicity
josemanuel boosted

At the beginning of 1985 #microhobby interviewed Paco Suarez, legendary programmer, author of La Pulga (Bugaboo). He started his career as a designer and soon got into the coding world. La Pulga was initially a demo of a parabola trajectory, later converted into a game.

He sent a #BASIC program about astrology along with this game, coded for the #ZX81 , as a filler, to Indescomp, but the company surprisingly chose La Pulga, that had to be converted to the Spectrum.

#zxspectrum #retrogaming

josemanuel boosted

Today in 1991, 33 years ago: in Los Angeles (United States), an amateur video records the beating of African-American taxi driver Rodney King by white police officers of the Los Angeles Police Department.


josemanuel boosted

I am but too conscious of the fact that we are born in an age when only the dull are treated seriously, and I live in terror of not being misunderstood.
-- Oscar Wilde

#anarchism #quote #bot

@euklidiadas Siempre que menciono esto me critican, pero yo sigo manteniendo que la clave es la fusión de municipios. Cuando el municipio tiene suficientes habitantes, el transporte público se convierte en una necesidad.

Si unes cinco o seis municipios pequeños, una línea de autobús se convierte en una inversión muy barata para moverse entre ellos. Y lo que era inimaginable cuando tu pueblo aún no era un barrio, de repente es una realidad, además de una gran mejora en la calidad de vida de los vecinos.


@LibrosdeBabel Que alguien les diga que pueden hacer más bibliotecas. No hace falta cambiarles el nombre a las que ya están. (Salvo que se llamasen, yo qué sé, General Mola o algo parecido. Entonces sí. Pero, hasta en ese caso, cuantas más bibliotecas, mejor.)

@LibrosdeBabel ¿Obligadas a subir precios? Los libros de texto ya eran carísimos cuando yo era niño, y jamás han dejado de subir, que yo sepa.

Lo que deberían hacer, si tuvieran algo de cerebro y de decencia, es orientarse hacia la educación superior, que, por libros de calidad, bien editados y bien actualizados, sí puede permitirse pagar más.

El problema es que en España no hay tradición de buena literatura científica y técnica, ni desde el punto de vista de los autores, ni desde el de los traductores, ni desde el de los editores. Pero, oye, nunca es tarde. A ver si hay suerte.

josemanuel boosted
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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.