@veer66 I'm glad to hear that. Great choices, by the way, though of Vainica Doble I recommend the album _Taquicardias_ (“Caramelo de limón” is a great song, but maybe hard for learning.), and of Aute I'd add “Pasaba por aquí”, “Al alba”, “Dos o tres segundos de ternura”, or “Slowly”. All of those are slow, so the lyrics should be easy to grasp. Also, this tiny poem:
See if you can get the wordplay in it.
@DavidDvorkin We're not living it at all. We were promised space travel or, at the very least, androids and flying cars; but instead we got an unholly mix of Nineteen Eighty-Four and A Brave New World.
@dan A blog is not ‘social’ media. You usually own your blog and can set the rules to it. “I post to public USENET groups/IRC channels, but no replies allowed” would be a more apt comparison. Using social media and then refusing to socialise is the very definition of defeating its purpose.
Of course, you're entitled to block/mute anyone who replies to you if you're so inclined. What you can't do is disallow them from replying. To think that you can is childish and, quite frankly, stupid.
Anyway, was your post inspired by something that happened or just a hypothetical?
@veer66 Also, Chicho Sánchez Ferlosio, whose lyrics are very good, but also basic.
@veer66 You can also try and get your ear accustomed on singers/songwriters, like Luis Eduardo Aute, Joan Manuel Serrat or Vainica Doble, who are easier to understand.
@Tiberio En mis tiempos precisamente el que no se jugaba era el D&D, porque era carísimo. Jugábamos a _El Señor de los anillos_, _Paranoia_, _La llamada de Cthulhu_, _Star wars_ o cualquier cosa que oliera a cyberpunk.
@veer66 Sadly, yes. But, hey, it's easier in general to understand people speaking than singing. That means that your knowledge of Spanish may come in handy some day at work, for instance. It may help you earn money!
@veer66 If it helps (though on second thought I guess it doesn't), there are many songs in Spanish that I can't understand without reading the lyrics, and I'm a native. Singers today are really bad at pronunciation (I think they do aim at being bad at it, like it was hip to be unintelligible) and I suspect that they may even make words up in order to make verses rhyme or fit the beat.
@Miaourt That's what Pedro Sánchez did in Spain last year and it sort of worked for him. The idea is to capitalise on the fear most people have of the far-right to minimise his losses and maybe buy some time for himself.
@veer66 As Alan Kay put it, “people who are really serious about software should make their own hardware.”
@coolboymew Oops! I didn't know it was this very weekend.
@coolboymew I will surely be there for some of it, then.
@coolboymew If timezone differences and work allow, I will be there.
@ChrisWere Yes, you should. No, it isn't.
@claudiosegovia A mí con que me digan la verdad y no quieran hacerme luz de gas me basta.
@veer66 Best of luck!
@wolf480pl It is, of course, but EC algorithms use much smaller keys for an equivalent level of security.
@wolf480pl I haven't studied RSA as deeply (so I'm willing to be proved wrong), but it always seemed to me that the security it offered was based mostly on the size of the key, which made me distrustful of the underlying algorithm. “Computing power is catching up to us! Quick! Use bigger primes!”