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This kind of people is why dictatorships exist: “Voting is so hard. Can I have just one option?”

I think I just realised why, in every wave, most people leave in a few days. It is because a majority of them are lurkers, even on Twitter, so they expect to come here and read instead of interacting with us and creating new conversations. If they can’t find their favourite topic, they will dismiss us as just ‘programmers’ and ‘tech people’ and go away.

Take my advice: we’re not one-dimensional beings that only know about, or are interested in, one field. We just might not talk about, I don’t know, architecture if we’re not prompted, so why don’t you start that conversation yourself? Why don’t you publish some pictures you’d like to discuss? We appreciate beauty and intelligent conversation. We’re human beings.

Existing Mastodon users (I don’t consider qoto to be Mastodon: qoto is Mastodon without the stupid) are also responsible for this behaviour, because a lot of them are pro-censorship, and, thus, do their worst to keep a significant part of Fedi invisible to newcomers, so that they’re reduced to a tiny echo chamber instead of being free to explore the whole thing. “No, don’t go there. It’s full of bad people! And if someone looks at you funny, tell your admin immediately, so they go nuclear on their instance. Don’t try to mute or block them yourself. That’s not the Mastodon way!”

See nasty stuff in your Federated Timeline? 

Worst advice ever. Curate your own experiencie here. Don’t assume that just because you dislike something, everybody else will or must. That’s the very definition of censorship.

El más grande (en todos los sentidos).

Señor Román  
Hoy habría cumplido 93 años, Carlo Pedersoli, Bud Spencer. Actor, guionista, productor cinematográfico, cantante y compositor italiano. Fue también...

You know what? I’d sooner believe @6502Nerd (even though I have no idea who they are or how they knew she had died) than Wikipedia any day of the week.

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I’m seeing a lot of posts about this today, but it’s so weird. At some point between October 12 and October 14, I boosted a post that paid homage to her on her recent passing. The weird part is that the post was dated August 22, but Wikipedia says she died on September 29.

I wouldn’t want to be him when he discovers that there are potentially unsavory people everywhere, not just on Twitter or Mastodon.

Just blocked my first person on Masto. This place is becoming more like Twitter every day ;)

I’m going to start filtering introductory posts, because, to be honest, they annoy me.

Listen, if you really want to stay around (which would be awesome, but, let’s be real, also unlikely), other people will boost your posts, then I will see them and, if I find them interesting, I will check your bio, which is where you should put all that crap about you.

The fact that you may like the same things I do doesn’t make you followable. Only what you post does.

¿Qué demonios es un joseo? Llevo años leyendo esa palabra y jamás he sido capaz de deducir su significado por el contexto. Por mí podríais decir ‘puturrú’ y seguiría en la mismas.

I have the theory that after shave was invented by women so that we would never forget how much it hurts to be beautiful.

Please welcome Stefania. She’s a great journalist.

stefania maurizi  
A pleasure to join a new community!

Using Slackware. Debian is trash.

Linux User Space  
If you’re not using Debian, what are you even doing?

Stupid typos. At least I noticed it when I wrote: “Those who don’t lack at my jobs”. I’m not on autocorrect. I really typed that. If anyone wonders why I take so long to reply, there you have it. It and the fact that whenever I post something, I immediately forget about it and go do something else.

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I don’t like people who lack a sense of humour, and by that I don’t mean: “Those who don’t laught at my jokes”, but: “Those who can’t even distinguish between a joke and a serious statement, especially when they claim to appreciate humour themselves”.

josemanuel boosted

The #EU loves to talk about Press Freedom + Human Rights but they don't like to talk about Julian #Assange who is in prison for exposing the truth about #US #NATO War Crimes. What credibility can EU have when it stays silent about Assange..? Why don't they call for his release..?


Aprovecho para contaros mi sistema particular: nombres de comunidades autónomas, provincias y capitales, en castellano. Todo lo demás, el topónimo oficial.

Ejemplos: Gerona en vez de Girona, Xixona en vez de Jijona, Santurtzi en vez de Santurce, Comunidad Valenciana en vez de Comunitat Valenciana.

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Entonces, ¿cómo funciona lo de escribir topónimos? ¿Usamos la denominación oficial o la del idioma que se utilice? Lo digo porque no quiero que nadie me llame facha por decir Gerona o Lérida.

El Punt Avui  
Un home s’atrinxera després d’un tiroteig a Castella-La Manxa, en el que almenys una persona ha resultat ferida
josemanuel boosted

“The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.”
— Mark Twain

My point is this: there’s no need to reach parity in every job. Why does no one see a problem in the day care sector, where women are maybe 90% of the workforce, if not more? Or in the coal mines, where there are barely any women? Or in deep sea fishing? It’s always politics, tech and C-level jobs, for some reason.

Why does no one care about women now being a majority of the students in college in every specialty (with the gap growing every year) when not that long ago it was a concern that they were a minority? Shouldn’t we be worried about how schools leave boys behind?

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Is it that hard to understand that different people have different interests? I got into computers because when I was a child I got an MSX2 machine and I thought it was cool, but neither my parents nor anyone close to me was remotely knowledgeable about computers. I had no role models and no one could teach me shit.

FF some thirty-something years: my nephew, who is crazy about videogames, is completely useless when it comes to computers. I’ve never seen anyone get so nervous when it comes to typing anything in a terminal. And he has me to teach him. He just doesn’t like it, and that’s ok.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.