Joshua Ng boosted
Joshua Ng boosted

Just have a glance on

It listed in the suspended list because of "choosing to federate with fascist instances."


Technically speaking, each new instance could be fascist instances, unless you see and verify it, so I guess in this case, what you need/want is a whitelist, not a blacklist.

So in defense of qoto, I'd say no one can represent me, and my opinion (including Chinese governments and other companies, that's why I deleted Weibo in 2014 and now moved from Twitter to mastodon, after Musk purchased twitter). If there is a fascist instance, I have to see it in my eye and block it with my own hand. It's much different from admins "helping" me block it, especially without notifying me.

Joshua Ng boosted

看到一季度GDP排名新疆增速第一。我2017年第一次去南疆,包了一位女师傅的车,一到喀什就被满街警车的密度给震了。我们开出城市,一路上每天还是会被查几次身份证。库车大寺只有我一个游客,柏孜克里克千佛洞只有我一个人,克孜尔千佛洞只有我一个人,库车大峡谷有我和另外一拨游客两拨人。后来我说去英吉沙看杏花,她说好办,乡下到处都是杏花,于是把车开到村里,村民正被集中在村委会or whatever的院子里开每周一的大会,管事的拿着大喇叭用维语训话,语气极其凶恶。我记事的时候已经过了公审大会和批斗大会的年代了,那天觉得算是把这一课给补上了。师傅开车时跟我抱怨,投的P2P爆了还得抱团维权。2019年我又去,街上警车还是那么多,五百米一个的警务站也建起来了,身份证查得不多了,扫描面部和虹膜就够了。师傅开车时跟我抱怨,孩子当了公务员一年驻村大半年,夫妻俩微信说话不小心被叫去谈话了。随后是2020年、2021年,我偶尔问候师傅,问疫情影响大吗?她说挺大的,朋友圈都是在自家院子里自娱自乐地跳舞。今年四月杏花季前我又问她最近生意好点了吗疫情封锁还那么严吗?她说呵呵,没有那么严了,新书记来了,要发展经济,你懂的

Joshua Ng boosted
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