This is my first attempt at growing with hydroponics and aeroponics. Is a big experiment which might colossally fail… we’ll see. #hydroponics #garden #diy I’m growing basil, spearmint, bell peppers, lettuce, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, catnip (my daughter’s), & potatoes.
Anyone who measures twice and cuts one is an underachiever. Now, I’d you can measure 12 times and cut 13 times AND achieve subpar results… that’s saying something! #diy
Hi! Let me give an #introduction.
I'm a #software-devleoper working primarily with #clojure. My beautiful wife is an author ( and we have a nine year old girl.
I'm a #futurist and a #maker and always have something in progress. My current #wip is a rotating Christmas tree stand (the image is a 3D printed gear for it). I also play around with #raspberry-pi #pico #arduino #3d-printing.
I enjoy the outdoors go #backpacking. This week I'm going to hike the #narrows in Southern Utah.
I enjoy #linguistics and can speak #german pretty well, and a little bit of a lot of other languages.
I enjoy #philosophy, #photography, #building things, #investing and a lot of other things. I'm a #polypotentialite.
I'm a #softwareDevleoper working primarily with #clojure. My beautiful wife is an author ( and we have a ten year old girl. I'm a #futurist and a #maker and always have a #wip. I play around with #raspberryPi #pico #arduino #3dPrinting. I enjoy #backpacking, #linguistics, #philosophy, #photography, #building things. I'm a #polypotentialite.