@marctennant Lovely article. Mrs. R. is a wise, caring woman. I would greatly enjoy spending an afternoon hanging out with her.

Filter for Language? 

@criticalinsert I have the same question. I cannot read other languages, pretty as they are on my screen. I'd love to filter for English only

@smwadgymar I think those of us new to mastodon need to tread very carefully for awhile. We are very disruptive by arriving in so many numbers. The least we can do is try to observe existing norms and emulate them as we figure them out.

New arrivals like me are more likely to be welcomed to the neighborhood if we do not mow the lawn at 3 am or blast music at all hours. A better approach is smiling, waving and asking the neighbors when most people mow the grass. "Oh, you hire goats? Excellent to hear. Is there a recommended goat rental agency I should call? Thank you for telling me that."

Is there a way to use Federated and filter for one language only?

@trinsec 538 grams. It comes in smaller bags, but since it is a favorite and I do give each cat a few every day, I just add a big bag to the chewy autoship.

@trinsec DentaLife Tasty Chicken Flavor Dental Cat Treats, 19-oz bag is Sugawara's reason for living. He LOVES these treats. I can now shake the bag and both cats come running. I like that since they are indoor only and if they ever get out, I have a way to motivate them. (They know their names, but cats need reasons to listen).

@trinsec Natural Balance L.I.D. Limited Ingredient Diets Indoor Grain-Free Turkey & Chickpea Formula Dry Cat Food. Petco has had problems keeping the indoor cat version in stock (Sugawara was starting to gain weight). I now get it from Chewy most of the time. Both boys are doing very well on it.

@wjmaggos They have an entire instragram account where they complain about their people: instagram.com/sugawara_and_nar

@wjmaggos Being able to ask for help requires being able to get onto the site in the first place. It was not straightforward for me.

@trinsec Nope, dry food only, plus some dry dental treats. My vet recommends not using wet food for these boys and since they are both at a healthy weight, it works for them. I do have to watch Loki. He's been known to eat dog kibble! His attitude is "Looks like food" and despite cat kibble being in three locations, he'll eat dog food. Silly boy.

@wjmaggos Do you know how many hours I spent at my grandma's house reprogramming her VCR after the power went out?

@wjmaggos It can feel like it! I signed up on desktop and had a heck of a time getting the app on my phone to let me log in and not set up a new account. It kept insisting I pick a server before moving forward, even though I JUST wanted to log in.

It will get easier with time. But it is NOT intuitive. New things are not universally easy for everyone. What seems obvious to one person is a mystery to another.

@wjmaggos This GenX kid never wanted to be a programmer. I want the tools to work for my needs and what happens under the hood can be magic for all I care. Put me in a molecular biology lab if you need me to tinker.

@trinsec Sugawara loves to be brushed and he adores having his ears scratched. I also control the window by my computer desk. He stops by to demand pets and an open window when the mood strikes. Lately, he has been sleeping with the dog and me at night. That's new. We'll see if it lasts once the dry food it back in all the bowls for on-demand snacking. I am counting the days until I can skip wet food feeds!

@freemo For me, I joined the blue bird to keep up to date on local news events that mainstream media ignores (Portland protest, BLM, hurricaine recovery, etc). I also follow a ton of people who stay current on SARS-CoV2 so I can stay informed without doing any real work. (I call it intelligent laziness!). Since the muskrat is in charge, I know I may lose access to that huge list of people I follow.

Coming here, I saw lots of foreign servers in the list, many that were invitation only, and when I found one that was open and pro-fact-based science? I set up an account.

The muskrat is part of the dude-bro club. White, spoiled, entitled. He thinks he is the center of the universe. I blocked his account as soon as he took over, but AOC lives in his head rent-free. All she has to do is raise an eyebrow at him and he has a meltdown. He can't handle competent women challenging his delusions of grandeur.

As far as why more women are migrating? Minorities are more in tune to the changing winds. I'm certain that any person of color can read a room faster than I can; it has been necessary for their survival and mental health. White women like me have only had to deal with the white dude-brows. But every woman on the planet has experience with Creepy Dudes. We have no time or patience for it.

I'm still on blue bird for now, but unless the rat turns things around fast, it isn't going to be worth my time. I'll stick around to watch the show, but for information, I'm scrambling to build a list of people to follow here so I am informed.

@trinsec One of them just had a dental cleaning and 5 teeth removed. He get SO snuggly after the gabapentin for pain. Otherwise, he likes to be in the same room as people but not on a lap. Loki, the one we got to keep him happy after Favorite Person went to college, prefers men. All day long, he wanders the house waiting for a good man to show up. I tease him relentlessly about it. He flicks his tail at me.

@trinsec I am not perfect, but I try to be the person my adult kids need me to be. I try to be the person my dog thinks I am. There is no way I can live up to the expectations of my kids' cats...

Sometimes, you just need a parent. Kiddo is at college (45 min away). Was out of an important Rx. Could Not Find their supply. Got a refill locally, ran it up tonight. Dorm room? Looked like a tornado hit. Kiddo has ADHD, too. Organization is a challenge. I suggested we pick up so they felt more settled. We did, even found the Rx they were out of! 😂 They were mortified. Nope. I was there to deliver hugs, a bit of calm, sew a button back on a coat with the emergency sewing kit I bought them, and we chatted a bit. When I left, dorm room was organized. Kiddo was calm. Lots of hugs given.

I told my husband I thought I was delivering a vital Rx when what I actually needed to deliver was some hands-on love. Glad to have been able to do so.

Sometimes, when life is crazy, we just need someone to help us pick up our laundry, hug us, and remind us that we are doing okay.

Hello, Mastodon people. I'm here from Twitter, the dumpster-fire that is imploding real time. Nice to meet you all.

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.