Octave solution
Worst-case space is linear in the number of control characters (newlines plus tabs). I'm not entirely sure on time requirements of the regex but the rest of it is linear in total characters.
function path_length = max_path_length(stringfs)
indent = char(9);
newline = char(10);
if stringfs(1) ~= indent
indent_level = 0;
indent_level = find(stringfs ~= indent, 1) - 1; end
path_length = 0;
children_delims = regexp(stringfs, ['\n' repmat('\t', 1, indent_level) '[^\t]']);
for bounds = [1 children_delims + 1; children_delims - 1 numel(stringfs)]
if any(stringfs(bounds(1):bounds(2)) == newline)
cutoff = find(stringfs(bounds(1):bounds(2)) == newline, 1);
this_path_length = cutoff - indent_level + max_path_length(stringfs((bounds(1) + cutoff):bounds(2)));
elseif any(stringfs(bounds(1):bounds(2)) == '.')
this_path_length = bounds(2) - bounds(1) - indent_level + 1;
this_path_length = -Inf; end;
path_length = max(path_length, this_path_length); end; end;