Octave solution
Should be fairly easy to modify for other bracket types, just add them to the lists at the top and bottom (using the same index for an open bracket and its corresponding close bracket).
function valid = is_balanced(string)
open_brackets = '({[';
close_brackets = ')}]';
expecting = false(size(string));
valid = true;
expected_bracket = [];
for index = 1:numel(string)
if ismember(string(index), open_brackets)
expecting(index) = true;
expected_bracket = strchr(open_brackets, string(index));
elseif ismember(string(index), close_brackets)
if expected_bracket == strchr(close_brackets, string(index))
expecting(find(expecting, 1, 'last')) = false;
expected_bracket = strchr(open_brackets, string(find(expecting, 1, 'last')));
valid = false; end; end; end;
if any(expecting)
valid = false; end; end;