Octave solution
Matlab normally represents strings as 1D arrays of chars. It's not usual to put chars in an 2D array because all the rows would have to be the same length, and that's pretty inflexible. Octave is happy to make such an array just as it would with any other type, though, and here that's exactly what we want.
function array = justify_text(string, width)
words = strtrunc(strsplit(string), width);
array = zeros(0, width);
line_length = 0;
start_index = 1;
for word_index = 1:numel(words)
this_word = words{word_index};
if line_length + numel(this_word) > width
array = [array; render_words(start_index, word_index - 1)];
start_index = word_index;
line_length = numel(this_word) + 1;
line_length += numel(this_word) + 1; end; end;
array = [array; render_words(start_index, numel(words))];
function this_line = render_words(start_index, end_index)
chars_raw = cellfun(@numel, words(start_index:end_index));
total_padding = width - sum(chars_raw);
if start_index == end_index
this_line = [words{start_index} repmat(' ', 1, total_padding)];
base_padding = floor(total_padding / (end_index - start_index));
extra_padding = rem(total_padding, end_index - start_index);
next_char = 1;
for index = start_index:end_index
this_padding = 0;
if index < end_index
this_padding = base_padding;
if index - start_index < extra_padding
this_padding++; end; end;
this_line(next_char:(next_char + chars_raw(index - start_index + 1) - 1)) = words{index};
next_char += chars_raw(index - start_index + 1);
this_line(next_char:(next_char + this_padding - 1)) = repmat(' ', 1, this_padding);
next_char += this_padding; end; end; end; end;
Invoking the Octave solution
Call with two arguments, both mandatory: a string to justify and a linewidth to justify to. Returns a 2D array of chars. Where it can, the words touch both sides simultaneously. Sometimes it's not possible to fit more than one word on a line, in which case it is left justified, padded with spaces.
> justify_text('I walked until midnight in the storm, then I went home and took a sauna for an hour and a half. It was all clear. I listened to my heart and saw if there were any signs of my destiny in the sky, and there were none - there were just snowflakes.', 16)
ans =
I walked until
midnight in the
storm, then I
went home and
took a sauna for
an hour and a
half. It was all
clear. I
listened to my
heart and saw if
there were any
signs of my
destiny in the
sky, and there
were none -
there were just