It has been a pleasure to see so many people find value in my paper on 'Sample Size Justification'. And yes, it is a long article! Did you know you can listen to me reading it out loud on #Soundcloud? You can put it on as you do chores in the house 😃🧹
Sampling a signal is equivalent to periodizing its Fourier transform. For non-smooth signals (with non-compact Fourier transform), it creates aliazing.
NIH funding is not a meritocracy. Luck — both good and bad — plays a huge role, as does bias. This truth can be depressing to acknowledge but can also set you free (e.g., from being too hard on yourself).
Corollary: until we fix the system, submit a lot of (respectable, if not perfect) grants if you want to get funded.
Personally, I set aside writing times in my calendar. When someone asks if I can meet then, the answer is "no, I'm sorry. It's already booked."
I have also long ago found my own personal "efficiencies" - I write best in the morning, so I reserve those times for writing.
There are also a whole slew of "tricks" I learned from my creative writing background - including
(1) the vomit draft - always edit on paper (electronic paper is OK), just don't edit in your head.
(2) the "Hemingway point" - when you've written a lot for the day, stop in the middle of a sentence. That way, when you come back tomorrow, you can start writing by finishing that sentence.
(3) make it habit - don't just write when the spirit moves you
(4) rewrite by retyping / rewriting, not by moving paragraphs around, even if you are retyping the same text over
(5) make sure there is time to edit. After you've written something, put it aside for a week or a month and come back to it. (Write other stuff in the meantime see note 3.) Then rewrite [note 4] that month-old text.
Importantly, there is no one "right way" to write. Try stuff out. Your mileage will vary. Find your own personal efficiencies. And yes, your efficiencies will change as your life changes. Be prepared for that, and then go find the new efficiencies.
Oh, and (6) Don't forget to READ! Read all kinds of things - fiction, not; in-field, out; great literature, trashy literature; great science, great art. Sometimes people get so wrapped up in their own writing, particularly as other life-needs occur, they don't do enough reading.
Conditional distributions defines a parametric collection of probability distributions computed from a joint distributions of two variables (here in the simple case of a density with respect to a product of measures).
L'énorme manifestation parisienne actuellement déviée à Voltaire #greve19janvier #reformedesretraites
On se retrouve en manifestation ! #greve19janvier #reformedesretraites
Pour trouver votre rassemblement 👉
Et pour défendre les retraites, les grévistes n'ont pas de meilleur porte-parole qu'Emmanuel Macron lui-même
#greve19janvier #ReformeDesRetraites
Very cool: The #University of #Antwerp will prohibit its staff from #flying to destinations that can be reached by #train in less than 8h. Staff who attend conferences in most of the #EU will be obliged to travel by train. @academicchatter
I’ve recently moved to a new department in a different building. The change in spatial layout and resulting feelings of belonging, experience of hierarchy, and opportunities for social interaction and collaboration are striking. (Something for @kerstinsailer) #spatial #space #interaction #spacesyntax #architecture #building #behaviour #social #office #academia 1/3
Master's Degree Scholarship Alert
The Master program in Cognitive Science of ENS-PSL (so-called Cogmaster) is currently inviting applications until March 10, 2023 (23h59, CET)
The Cogmaster offers training at the highest level in all disciplines of #cognitivescience (#Psychology, #Medicine, #Neuroscience, #Philosophy, #Linguistics, Social Sciences, #AI, Cognitive #Modeling), together with the opportunity to discover the latest applications of our discipline, from behavioral public policy to cognitive engineering.
More information on the Cogmaster website:
@cognition @cogsci @psychology @psycholinguistics @linguistics
#mastersprogram #mastersdegree
Petit guide contre les bobards de la réforme des retraites
[#OuvrezLesGuillemets] Usul. Retraites: la bagarre monte en régime
La première ministre va présenter sa réforme des #retraites. C’est l’occasion de revenir sur l’esprit de ce texte et de se demander si les jeunes, qui semblent plus préoccupés par le climat que par leurs hypothétiques futures pensions, se joindront à la bataille.
My homage to Douglas Hofstadter's image, featured on the front cover of some editions of his book Gödel, Escher, Bach. He calls this a "triplet" sculpture, I believe because there are "trip" (three) "let" (letters).
Instead of the letters "G", "E", and "B", I used "3", "D", and "P", for "3D printing". #3DPrinting #Shadow #Art
On démarre bien la journée en faisant grimper le compteur. Ça donne de la force pour mettre tout le monde dans la rue #greve19janvier
L'intersyndicale nationale CFDT, CFTC, CGC, CGT, FO, FSU, Solidaires et UNSA contre la réforme des #retraites lance une pétition large contre la réforme et de soutien à la mobilisation
🚨 Deux offres de stage M1 ou M2 au Laboratoire des Systèmes Perceptifs de l'#ENS :
- l'un plutôt orienté #phonétique expérimentale et #psycholinguistique :
- l'autre orienté #OptimisationBayésienne et #psychophysique :
N'hésitez pas à faire circuler ! @psycholinguistics @linguistics
CNRS researcher at École normale supérieure Paris. Auditory perception, psycholinguistics, hearing loss. My toots are searchable #tootfinder.