Audition scientists on mastodon, your list is ready!
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...And of course: please spread the word!
@psychology @psycholinguistics @academicchatter #audition #auditory #psychoacoustics #psycholinguistics
Anybody here knows about a list of acadamecis on Mastodon working on #Audition (#psychoacoustics #psycholinguistics #audiology...)? Is it useful if I create one? @psychology
Two upcoming workshops in #acoustics and #audition in Paris. Both free of charge (or very cheap) and both in late November:
- Auditory Development Workshop organized by Axelle Calcus and Laurianne Cabrera (20-21 November)
- Journées Perception Sonore co-organized by #SFA and #IRCAM (21-22 November)
@psycholinguistics #psychoacoustics #psycholinguistics #developmental @psychology
New #OpenAccess article published in JASA-EL @AcousticalSocietyofAmerica! We used a new technique to explore how listeners segment continuous speech sounds into words. A thread and a demo ⬇️
@psycholinguistics @psychology @linguistics #psycholinguistics #linguistics
Yesterday Géraldine Carranante presented our ongoing project to the #fa2023 conference. In short, we apply #ReverseCorrelation to the #auditory modality to uncover the #acoustic cues used during #SpeechPerception. More info here: #acoustics #psychoacoustics #psycholinguistics
Anybody here going to Forum Acusticum #FA2023 in Torino next week? My team will be there in force with 3 oral presentations:
- 12 September (11:40 - 12:00): Alejandro Osses "Using auditory models to mimic human listeners in reverse correlation experiments from the fastACI toolbox" (
- 13 September (17:20 - 17:40): Laurianne Cabrera "Development of Auditory Sensitivity to Amplitude Modulation Cues: Sensory and Cognitive Determinants and Relationship With Speech Intelligibility"
- 14 September (11:00 - 11:20): Géraldine Carranante "Auditory Reverse Correlation applied to the study of place and voicing: four new phoneme-discrimination tasks" (
#ForumAcusticum2023 #ForumAcusticum @psycholinguistics #acustics #audiology #auditory #psycholinguistics
Comme avant chaque rentrée j'ai mis à jour mon cours de #Psychoacoustique et #Perception pour @lemansuniv... et surtout les illustrations ! Tout est disponible sur mon site ! Petit aperçu des chapitres ⬇️
@psycholinguistics @cognition @cogsci #psycholinguistique #psycholinguistics #Psychoacoustics #audition
Our paper presents the results of 2 participants in all 5 phonetic contrasts, revealing their individual listening strategies. The findings align with established auditory cues in psycholinguistic literature while uncovering unexpected secondary cues, enriching our understanding of auditory perception. #psycholinguistics @psycholinguistics @psycholinguistics
This research is at the juncture between #psycholinguistics, #phonetics and #auditory perception, employing the Auditory #ReverseCorrelation (#revcorr) experimental paradigm. This approach unravels the acoustic cues employed by listeners in diverse auditory tasks, shedding light on individual perception strategies. @psycholinguistics
Exciting news! Our conference paper titled "Auditory reverse correlation applied to the study of place and voicing: four new phoneme-discrimination tasks" has been accepted for presentation at #ForumAcusticum2023 #FA2023! This is the foundation stone for a bigger study to be published next year, and also a summary of our overall scientific aim in the team.
"A Visual Compendium of Auditory Reverse Correlation Studies", updated version!
Short explanation: this is a list of all major studies (to the best of my knowledge) that attempted to use variants of the "reverse correlation" technique to explore auditory perception, from very low-level to high level processes. If you see some important contribution missing, please let me know!
@jj @linguistics #psycholinguistics #psycholinguistique #linguistodon #CognitiveScience #ReverseCorrelation #audition #cognition
When you want to show the classic categorical perception results from Liberman et al but you are too tired to explain what formants are... #psycholinguistics @linguistics #linguistique #linguistics #linguistodon
Pour commencer, deux articles qui présentent de façon vulgarisée la méthode qui est au centre de mes recherches : la corrélation inverse (#ReverseCorrelation ou #Revcorr pour les intimes).
Dans le premier billet je décris la philosophie de cette approche ("Le cerveau comme boîte noire"
Dans le deuxième, je parle de la façon dont elle peut être appliquée à l'étude de la perception de la parole ("A la recherche des indices acoustiques de la parole" #psycholinguistics #psycholinguistique #epistemologie #psychophysics #psychophysique #SpeechPerception #Perception
Puisque j'ai maintenant migré essentiellement sur mastodon, il est temps de déménager mes affaires ici ! Voici un fil où je listerai les billets publiés sur mon blog (essentiellement de la vulgarisation scientifique sur la #psycholinguistique #psycholinguistics, les #stats #statistiques, l'#audiology #audiologie, et parfois les #SciencesCognitives #CognitiveScience en général) ⬇️
Our new study is about to be submitted! We demonstrate that the effect of a background noise on #SpeechPerception is multifaceted, even in the case of a simple stationary white noise. You can find the #preprint on @biorxivpreprint (, the raw and processed data on #zenodo (, and the #preregistration document on #OSF ( #psycholinguistics #psychoacoustics #psycholinguistique @psycholinguistics
@linguistics #linguistique #linguistics #psycholinguistics Bon j'entend uniquement "oh fuck" donc difficile d'analyser le phénomène, mais je pense que l'illusion auditive est finalement plus simple que celle du Laurel/Yanny : même si Barbie et fuck ont l'air de mots très différents, leur syllabe accentuée est phonétiquement assez proche (b/f diffèrent essentiellement par le mode d'occlusion, et j'entends un /u/ très ouvert à la limite du /ə/). Du coup avec une prononciation approximative il ne me semble pas impossible que les deux soient interchangeables.
CNRS researcher at École normale supérieure Paris. Auditory perception, psycholinguistics, hearing loss. My toots are searchable #tootfinder.