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LoriHC boosted

This is your periodic reminder to set up (or update) the Medical ID on your iPhone. I thought about it after my car accident last month and was surprised that it was pretty out of date.

(And tell your family. My parents had no idea it was a thing!)

LoriHC boosted

What the fuck, Slate

Me loading the article while I was online so I can read it on the go was the whole point


@overcastfm I moved two podcasts from the Archive list this morning by tapping [+] and expected them to show up in the Current list. They disappeared from both lists. I ended up going to All, tapping on the podcasts, and downloading the latest episode manually, and then they showed up in Current.

LoriHC boosted

My fellow cis Americans, I want you to look at this map. Really look at it. And I want you to imagine what it would feel like if those red states were threatening you and your family. Because, ultimately, they are.

This is what creeping fascism looks like. It will harm ALL OF US. And it will take all of us, together, to fight it.

We don't sacrifice people. We stand with our trans siblings. When their rights are threatened, all our rights are threatened.


LoriHC boosted

✨Petey 2.2 is here and it's one of the biggest updates yet!

- History & conversation details
- Streaming answers for faster responses
- New UI icons by Kevin Anderson
+ a lot more improvements and fixes

Now it's time for me to re-charge and get ready for WWDC! :)

So far I am enjoying Queen Charlotte more than Bridgerton. Long live the Queen.

When I first got on the bird site in January 2007, I used the username @lorihc because it was my Adobe email address and my nickname at hockey (there was a Laurie on the team also). That account was private. When I started working at Aptana in 2008 I needed a public account to use for work stuff, so I created @AptanaLoriHC. I left 8 months later but wanted to keep the account, so I renamed it @WWLoriHC. The WW stood for “whatever whatever.”

LoriHC boosted

I really do try to believe that most* drivers aren't careless about the lives of others, but rather clueless. That's why I put together videos from my handlebar camera to show, from a bicyclist's perspective, what their driving looks and feels like.

The video here is a sample of dangerous--egregiously dangerous--overtakes by motorists over the course of a year.

#BikeTooter #ClosePass #CrapDriving #SafeStreetsForAll #VisionZero #RoadSafety

*I said most.

LoriHC boosted

HealthFit version 11 is now live on the App Store. Thanks to #CloudKit Zone Sharing you can share workouts with friends!

LoriHC boosted

I have a new app!

Say hello to Symbolsaurus: a thesaurus of SF Symbols, for app developers and UI designers alike.

Instead of searching by a symbol’s technical name or keyword or category, you can see real labels used by real apps to help you choose the right icon (and the right label) for your use case.

Now in beta for macOS, iPadOS, and iOS!

LoriHC boosted

On my way back to Amsterdam to tell everyone how cool watchOS is at @appdevcon tomorrow ✨😊

LoriHC boosted

We’ve been redesigning and rebuilding OmniFocus for the Apple Watch, and its capabilities have evolved significantly since we first designed the app (for the original Apple Watch). The SwiftUI SDK is much more powerful—and the hardware is leaps and bounds ahead of where it used to be. It now has several times the RAM of the original iPad! (And, unlike that original iPad, it also has the ability to download content in the background.)

Constraints are now about usability instead of capability.

LoriHC boosted

Thirteen years ago the Supreme Court decided corporations are people under the First Amendment.

Today, sold-out politicians block progress on all fronts to appease their corporate donors.

Citizens United is among the worst decisions in history. It corrupts our system every day.

LoriHC boosted

@_tim______ The other useful lesson there is to be creative in imagining the ways things can fail because at our scale they definitely will.

As I like to say, we're responsible for a trillion databases—one in a million is… a million.

LoriHC boosted

@mredig @shantini hey, we’re happy to see more diversity, but in 2023, having 51% of the population so underrepresented, especially given the investment and lip service to making tech less male-centric is really demoralizing to a lot of us. It’s awful when I’m not just one of the only female speakers but one of the only females at a conference at all.

LoriHC boosted

Literally, the first national media coverage I've seen that even attempts to properly characterize and provide the critical context necessary to understand the current state of #SanFrancisco.

Most reporting on the subject has been highly irresponsible. This isn't. Here's why.

LoriHC boosted

@marcoarment I can assure you it was. What in particular is bothering you about it?

LoriHC boosted

Only in Republican world can a man assault a reporter, get convicted, and go on to be governor yet a woman named Zooey Zephyr can be a threat to a roomful of men just by talking and end up thrown out of the legislature.

So tired of these people with mouths full of scripture but hearts full of hate.

Montana governor signs gender-affirming care ban for transgender minors-

LoriHC boosted

I feel like every social app is just people yelling about the other social apps and it’s kind of tiring

LoriHC boosted
"Banning drag queens won't work. The only thing that will stop a bad guy in a dress, is a good guy in a dress."
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