@garyackerman Okay, I hear you, but note that I have attended workshops and found them to be a complete waste of time. Rarely have they taught me anything that would help me actually solve a problem while using the software.
>> you don't know how to do X? Come by and I'll go over the manual with you.
<< it's a waste of time, the manual has nothing new and won't solve my problems
>> did you read the the "common problems chapter?"
@lucifargundam @garyackerman I always look over the "manual". In fact, earlier in life I was a technical writing writing software manuals. But many of the manuals are garbage. The problem with many workshops is that they are often poorly organized, deal only with surface-level issues, and assume the participants are all idiots. Gary, I'm going to show up in one of your workshops sometime. I suspect they are great.