-Still #linux user
-Still on vacation
-Still prefer to engineer my own stuff that will last, than to buy overpriced junk which will die after the first use.
now playing the seasonal even of Phasmophobia on #debian #linux via #steam #linuxgaming
The snowmen's heads apparently follow you as you move around...
-still have a job
-got car registration renewed with #linux license plate
-got paid and replaced lightbulbs and water filter
now playing Saints Row IV on #debian #linux via #steam #linuxgaming
thanks @icedquinn !!!!
Weirdly enough, it works on #proton 6.3-8 but not the latest 7.0-5
now playing Scars Above demo on #debian #linux via #steam #linuxgamingnow playing Loddlenaut demo on #debian #linux via #steam #linuxgaming
How To Disable Intel's IME from bios
-need a Pi 3B or newer
-need a spare 8gb micro sd card
-need a IC clip(aka alligator clip) that fits mobo's flash chip
-need 8 fem-fem wires to attach clip to Pi3 GPIO
michaeltunnell@beta.birdsite.live - [RT @TuxDigitalNet]
#DestinationLinux #podcast 284! 😂❤🐧
We interview Christian Schaller and Lukas Tyrychtr about accessibility work being done in Linux! 🎉😂🐧
& a new educational distro
+ Tips, tricks & app pics!
#Linux #podcast #accessibility
Ask me about my keyboard