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New job::::

Coworkers don't know what is or who is. I threw im as a freebie, but it still went over their heads.

*Sigh* this is going to be a _rough_ tenure.

-Still user
-Still on vacation
-Still prefer to engineer my own stuff that will last, than to buy overpriced junk which will die after the first use.

now playing the seasonal even of Phasmophobia on via
The snowmen's heads apparently follow you as you move around...

-still have a job
-got car registration renewed with license plate
-got paid and replaced lightbulbs and water filter

now playing Saints Row IV on via
thanks @icedquinn !!!!
Weirdly enough, it works on 6.3-8 but not the latest 7.0-5

How To Disable Intel's IME from bios

-need a Pi 3B or newer
-need a spare 8gb micro sd card
-need a IC clip(aka alligator clip) that fits mobo's flash chip
-need 8 fem-fem wires to attach clip to Pi3 GPIO - [RT @TuxDigitalNet]
284! 😂❤🐧

We interview Christian Schaller and Lukas Tyrychtr about accessibility work being done in Linux! 🎉😂🐧

& a new educational distro

+ Tips, tricks & app pics!



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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.