BREAKING NEWS! I am looking for a pixel art tile artist for my game. I am paying real $$$.
#Debian 12 "Bookworm" stable will be released in a few days, and since just reviewing it "as-is" isn't super interesting, I decided to reconsider my preconceived notions about Debian as a Linux desktop.
I always felt it was outdated, and that it made it basically unsuitable for a desktop, but nowadays, that is definitely not true anymore.
So, let's look at why Debian 12 is definitely worth a try for your Linux desktop:
Law enforcement officials in California want to stop a bill that would end the use of keyword warrants and geofence warrants. Help us pass it to protect privacy for those seeking reproductive and gender-affirming care:
high-tech, low-life.
Seeking good examples of media where there is a team of people who are the protagonist and amongst whom there is NOT a 'chosen one' or 'team leader' type. (IE, not Buffy -- even though that's a great series.)
I suppose I should look back into Chinese theater and the changes made under the CCCP in the 20th century. Not sure it's going to be what I'm looking for, though.
Boost if you would like to help give this question wider spread. 🤓
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