Receiving Packets on gets tricky ... Because SX1276 triggers a GPIO Interrupt when a packet is received ... And the Interrupt Handler needs to forward the packet to the Application Task 🤔

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GPIO Interrupts: Should we use Sync or Async Interrupts for ? 🤔 ... BL602 IoT SDK uses Async Interrupts to handle GPIO Buttons ... Let's do the same for LoRa

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Maybe High Level Trigger Interrupt = High Priority Interrupt = Sync Interrupt? 🤔 ... Lemme check the original Chinese Reference Manual

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My bad ... High Level Trigger Interrupt = 高电平触发中断 = Trigger Interrupt on Logic High ... Nothing to do with priority 🤔

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Transmitter ... Sniffed by Airspy R2 SDR ... Watch the distinctive LoRa Chirp (red spike)

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Something spooky about GPIO Interrupts 🤔 ... Let's disconnect SX1276 pins DIO1 to DIO3 ... And connect DIO0 to my fav Blue LED (GPIO 11)

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GPIO Interrupts hanging could be due to the way we handle multiple GPIO Interrupts ... Let's revisit this when we can trigger multiple GPIO Interrupts from SX1276

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Now that can handle Packet Received Interrupt ... Let's defer the LoRa Packet Processing from the Interrupt Handler to the Application Task ... How shall we do this in FreeRTOS? 🤔

Shall we teach Multitasking with NimBLE Porting Layer? 1️⃣ Looks easier than FreeRTOS 2️⃣ It's portable to FreeRTOS, Mynewt, NuttX and RIOT OS 🤔

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Exception happened because we passed a pointer to a stack object ... Which gets used by the Interrupt Handler 😲 ... This works OK in the original Mynewt code, but not for BL602

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Reference Manual mentions "GPIO_INT_CLR" but the address is undefined in the doc ... Methinks a chunk of addresses are missing from the doc 🤔

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Interested in riscv. Please tell me more. Are You Chinese? Based in cm or us?

I need nickname for ya. Im bad bad with little worms for characters. No offence meant. Honestly.

Ill try to promote you around polish opensource geeky part of fedi if you want.

@PawelK Hi call me Lup (rhymes with "Up"), I'm just a geek in Singapore. Here's the story of my life 😉 ...

I'm tied up with projects right now ... Sorry I won't be able to help you much

No worries. Thanks for intro im polish retired young. Based c/cpp. 15 years of exp. Mostly embeds. Some 4g and 5g infrastructure devel experience. Selftaught. IT is my life. Nerd. Pro opensource.

Riscv is the postarm. We need it badly.

Also what could interest You Sir is llvm+clang seem to support riscv. They seem nicer fuller and more maintainable than gcc if that was of any help. Methinks #clangisthenewgcc

Are those two platforms using two different operating systems? Generally depends whether irq handler lives in same adress space as setup code. General guideline for portable code should be using either static data accessible from irq code or dynamically allocated data passable between two adress spaces.

In case both oses are same or with same model of memory segments divide/sharing, seems like a bug to me.

@PawelK Yeah the code looks a bit suspicious ... Generally I would never save a pointer to a stack object. But this code has been in Apache Mynewt OS for a long time 🤔

This code has assumption os shares adress space between irq segment and irq setup code.

Sorry for side comment. Deleted. Mistake.

My reasoning is mynewt on both platforms should have constraints on segment duvide/sharing independent of platform. Thats puzzling.

Lovely. Wish You much success. Interesting project and great platform. Whats the planned use for these little animals?

@PawelK Thanks :-) I'm planning to use this for IoT Education ... Teaching folks how to create a RISC-V LoRa Sensor that's battery powered...

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Ahhh now i see. Lemme browse through their source. Old code is borked. Youre assigning to struct type a pointer type instead of RadioEvents = *events.

How come compiler let it compile...

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