@lupyuen It seems to be Apache License v2.0 so I will verify this and release the source code.

@lupyuen It's already being used by the community. Apparently I did a good job (could have been better :/). All three blobs.

@lupyuen The github was linked in an earlier post and it is being talked about in the Nutcracker Matrix.

@AmpBenzScientist ah ok I'm not on Matrix, since I'm in the wrong timezone. So I assume the folks there are making good use of your work 👍

@lupyuen so apparently it's not illegal (I checked several times). Now the quality is being assessed? I don't need the stress but I can't look away. It should be okay. I just might be the first to do this to completion.

Damn, dude. You have to teach me one day your toolship and workflow. I would love to learn how to reverse co close to metal. Kudos. Youre based reverser.


@PawelK @lupyuen It's one of the things I am good at. I just do it a lot so I have already made the rookie mistakes.

You could love to work on graphene os or lineage os. They do secu and privacy review of various firmwares on mobile phones and create surveillance free free versions.


@PawelK @lupyuen it's not a problem, it seems that not many people are taking it seriously.

Those are often ultra serious. Reminds of one step of one gchq challenge from past, that i managed to be amongst winners. They offered shit money though for job offer and prolly required citizenship anyway.


Gamelaster could want to add ghidra interactive disassembler to tool list. If my resources get freed i will add any missing from list: elf .a .o riscvbackend.


@PawelK @lupyuen Ghidra is the only tool that is capable of RE on this platform.

@PawelK @lupyuen It is as far as I know. IDAho Potato doesn't have RISC-V support and is closed source. It's garbage and not hand built in house for use by the NSA.

Ahh yea. I guess so. Yea history of gidra is interesting.

Hehe need to memorize idaho potato.

Would be fan to re the potato on way to fix its copy protection.


@PawelK @lupyuen Ghidra has a history of firsts. Coreboot used it to get AMD devices to boot properly.

@PawelK @lupyuen Maybe get in touch and ask if he would like that. We don't exclude people from our community. Kurwa Mac!

@PawelK @lupyuen Getting competent people involved is imperative. There are already a few but we need more to make this happen.

@PawelK @lupyuen I'm a high school dropout who wasn't good enough to serve in the Army.

Youre based haxxor and revver. You deserve to live as a free rich man. I dropped out from math undergrad. Didnt qualify for army either. Too weak physically. No army is an achievement not weakness imho.


@PawelK @lupyuen Have completed nearly every Mathematics course for an undergrad. I needed 3 to graduate. Then I got slapped by bureaucracy.

@PawelK @lupyuen I helped my sister study for her college exams as an adolescent. I got to take one of the exams at 11 and I made a 73.

@PawelK @lupyuen Different governments and entities have tried to recruit me. I have the kryptonite of no Bachelor's Degree to keep them away.

@PawelK @lupyuen Pure Mathematics, not Applied. 我是啊么也过人。Я американский. I am from the US.

@PawelK @lupyuen I was told that I had cancer. Before that I was the top of my class and took the ASVAB. Highest score in my school.

@AmpBenzScientist @lupyuen
Hope youre stable financially. You should earn on revving. Ill exchange some contacts. Theyll give you credits for your work. Youll be happy.

@PawelK @lupyuen I have been homeless several times. Currently working in research for a University but it's not permanent.

@PawelK @lupyuen I'm not doing research in Mathematics (unfortunately) but RISC-V and its possible implementations. I'm the hardware/firmware guy.

Which university does research it?

Sickcodes has been notified. I may need later your email adress or twatter handle to pass to him.

Also, Soon there will be starting a few startups around riscv. Maybe You could try joining.


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Ok. Two more last questions. If you were to continue archs and systems stability rd as permanent job, would you like to focus exclusively on riscv? And are you exclesuviely riscv revver or you could adapt for arm too (there is more arm revving bounties/jobs)? I shall have some job offers for you real soon.


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@PawelK @lupyuen I would appreciate it. Sounds like the kind of thing I was born for.


Id suggest looking up sickcodes johnjhacking sakurasamurai and johnhhax on twitter. Check if you like their releases.

They should have some jobs ready for you.

Ill notify sickcodes of how based you are and in what jobs you could be interested and to let know the others.


Btw radare re tool is based. I wanna play again with ghidra and radare. I was working on ida replacement called borg in ancient times.


@lupyuen Nope, sorry. BraveHeartFLOSSDev is the account. The repo is bl602nutcracker1.

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