Mastodon now a non-profit organisationIn June, I was able to officially register Mastodon gGmbH after nearly 8 months of legal work (“gGmbH” means “non-profit limited liability company”). A non-profit limited liability company in Germany is structered and operates similarly to a for-profit limited liability company with a few key differences. The founding document of the company is written such that the activity of the company is working towards goals that benefit the public; the shareholders may not receive any revenue from the company’s activities and can at most withdraw the funds that they originally paid in; employees may not receive extraordinarily high wages; and the company can receive donations which are then tax-free, although any other income that does not fit the definition of a donation continues to incur various taxes. To found such a legal entity the founding document must pass a review by the German tax office and the founders must pay in 25,000 EUR of starting capital.
Mastodon Blog
The problem with open governance is getting the government and tax offices to recognize it. That said I am a big supporter of the idea in theory, but in practice it can be hard or even impossible to do if there is any real cash flow.
that said open collective addresses some of that as do some potential blockchain solutions where the government doesnt really need to play along