#Ox64 BL808 SBC won't work with some USB Serial Adapters ... Here's how we test
Let's flash OpenSBI and U-Boot Bootloader to #Ox64 BL808 SBC
Checking #Ox64 BL808 that we flashed OpenSBI and U-Boot Bootloader correctly 👍
Here's how we run Apache #NuttX Real-Time Operating System ... On the affordable #Ox64 BL808 #RISCV SBC
#Ox64 BL808 SBC uses 2 Serial Ports: 1️⃣ Flashing UART 2️⃣ Serial Console ... Don't get them mixed up! 🙏
Article: https://www.hackster.io/lupyuen/8-risc-v-sbc-on-a-real-time-operating-system-ox64-nuttx-474358#toc-flashing-uart-vs-serial-console-1