Let's make a Build Farm for Apache #NuttX RTOS 👍
Source: https://github.com/lupyuen/nuttx-release/blob/main/run-ci.sh
Live Metrics for GitHub Runners 👍
Source: https://github.com/apache/nuttx/issues/14376#issuecomment-2428086912
My very own (Ubuntu) Build Farm for Apache #NuttX RTOS ... Now In Operation! 🎉
Source: https://gist.github.com/nuttxpr
How to Verify a #NuttX PR Merge ... By creating a GitHub Org 👍
Drastically Cutting down GitHub Actions for Apache #NuttX RTOS 😬
Refurbished Lenovo PC (Ubuntu) becomes Build Farm for Apache #NuttX RTOS ... Gotta move away from GitHub Actions! 👍
Every Day: GitHub Actions will build Apache #NuttX RTOS for #Sophgo SG2000 ... Let's test it on a Real SBC
Article: https://lupyuen.codeberg.page/articles/sg2000a.html#download-the-daily-build
How we call the #HomeAssistant API to power up our SBC
Article: https://lupyuen.codeberg.page/articles/sg2000a.html#call-the-home-assistant-api
Automagically Powering Up our SBC ... Thanks to #IKEA Smart Power Plug and #HomeAssistant API
Article: https://lupyuen.codeberg.page/articles/sg2000a.html#ikea-smart-power-plug
#Sophgo SG2000 #RISCV SoC is officially supported by Apache #NuttX RTOS ... Let’s do Daily Automated Testing for NuttX on #MilkV Duo S SBC, controlled by an IKEA Smart Power Plug with Home Assistant API
Article: https://lupyuen.codeberg.page/articles/sg2000a.html
How we ported Apache #NuttX RTOS to #Sophgo SG2000 #RISCV SoC ... Starting from Ox64 BL808
Article: https://lupyuen.codeberg.page/articles/sg2000.html#appendix-port-nuttx-to-sg2000
Here's how we boot #Oz64 SG2000 SBC @PINE64 with Apache #NuttX RTOS
Article: https://lupyuen.codeberg.page/articles/sg2000.html#appendix-apache-nuttx-rtos-for-pine64-oz64-sbc
#Sophgo SG2000 SoC boots Apache #NuttX RTOS all the way to NuttX Shell ... Right after we ported the driver for PLIC Interrupt Controller
Article: https://lupyuen.codeberg.page/articles/sg2000.html#nuttx-shell-too
macOS Notifications are hard to read on a 4K Monitor ... Let's move them to the centre 👍
Source: https://gist.github.com/lupyuen/7e50374179866ddd917dfc22c670cb75
Let's boot Apache #NuttX RTOS on #Sophgo SG2000 ... By tweaking NuttX for Ox64 BL808
Article: https://lupyuen.codeberg.page/articles/sg2000.html#nuttx-kernel-boots-ok
IoT Techie and Educator / Apache NuttX PMC