Tiny C Compiler runs in #WebAssembly but it's missing C Header Files ... Let's add the ROM FS Filesystem from Apache #NuttX RTOS ... With a little help from #ZigLang Compiler
256-Core #RISCV Cluster (CH32V003)
"His officers also used novel forensics techniques to extract Kivimäki's Fingerprint from an otherwise anonymous picture he posted under an online pseudonym"
@lupyuen $300 sounds like a steal!
Monitoring Energy usage with Tasmota smart plugs, Prometheus and Grafana
SpacemiT MuseBook: #RISCV Laptop with Octa-core K1 ($300)
Tiny C Compiler talks to Apache #NuttX Emulator in the Web Browser ... Thanks to JavaScript Local Storage
Article: https://lupyuen.codeberg.page/articles/romfs.html#from-tcc-to-nuttx-emulator
Apache #NuttX RTOS in Flat Mode runs NuttX Apps that are Statically Linked (kinda like an octopus?)
Source: https://github.com/lupyuen/nuttx-rust-app#nuttx-flat-mode-vs-kernel-mode
Tiny C Compiler expects POSIX Functions in #WebAssembly: open(), read(), close() … Let's implement them in #ZigLang
Article: https://lupyuen.codeberg.page/articles/romfs.html#tcc-calls-rom-fs-driver
#Ox64 BL808 SBC runs Apache #NuttX RTOS in Kernel Mode ... Every NuttX App is a separate ELF File
Source: https://github.com/lupyuen/nuttx-rust-app#nuttx-flat-mode-vs-kernel-mode
#Xiaomi TV: Remote Control over HTTP (2019)
To troubleshoot Apache #NuttX Heap Memory and see the malloc() logs: Enable the Memory Manager Logging in NuttX
Source: https://github.com/lupyuen/quickjs-nuttx#heap-errors-and-stdio-weirdness
Let's snoop inside a ROM FS Filesystem ... It's tiny, no frills and easy to embed in our apps!
Article: https://lupyuen.codeberg.page/articles/romfs.html#inside-a-rom-fs-filesystem
Apache #NuttX saying strangely "Command Not Found"? Try enabling logging for Binary Loader and Scheduler 👍
Source: https://github.com/lupyuen/nuttx-rust-app#change-hello_rust_main-to-main
SBC Case Builder v3.0 released (#Pine64 Rock64, RockPro64, Quartz64, Star64)
Decapsulating the #RISCV CH32V203 MCU
'King of Twang' guitarist Duane Eddy dies at 86
IoT Techie and Educator / Apache NuttX PMC