Want to study bumblebees in the Arctic? The impact of global warming on pollinators? There's an open PhD position in Richard Gill's lab at in London https://www.gillinsectresearch.com
The PhD ad is a PDF: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/grantham-institute/public/dtp/2023-projects/2023_52_DoLS_Gill.pdf
"Our knowledge of how interaction networks, such as plant-pollinator relationships, are being
affected by climate change remains in its infancy. This is primarily due to us having a limited
understanding of the underlying mechanisms determining how plant and pollinator
populations respond to climatic variation."
"This project will study an Arctic plant-pollinator community located in Lapland (Sweden) by
taking advantage of a unique phenology transect spanning an elevational gradient."
#pollinators #phd #academia #bumblebees #entomology #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming
@albertcardona If you're talking about your previous post - It rendered great in my text console, using 'tut'. Just FYI. :-)