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FAIRifying a scholarly publishing service: Methodology based on the OpenEdition’s internal FAIR audit

The FAIR principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability) constitute a guide whose aim is to improve the management of digital scholarly resources. Nevertheless, the literature regarding data services other than data repositories is still scarce.OpenEdition is a digital infrastructure for open scholarly communication in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) that carried out an internal full review to assess the degree of FAIRness of its activities. The objective of this paper is to present the methodology employed by OpenEdition’s team and the recommendations for the FAIRification of a publishing system, and hence, the elements for the FAIR Publishing Toolkit. The FAIR review was conducted in three main phases: preparation, assessment, and result phase, which listed the recommendations for the FAIR principles implementation. The preparation phase gathered the available information to define the perimeter of the FAIR review. It comprised two steps: the landscape study and the exam of actual use cases. The assessment phase contextualized the FAIR principles according to the scholarly publishing context, defined the datasets to be analyzed, carried outa FAIR maturity review per dataset, and analyzed the state of the art of some important FAIR-related elements. The result phase produced the recommendations, organized as priorities and extended objectives. The priority recommendations regard persistent identifiers and licensing policies. The extended objectives focus on authors' information management, controlled vocabularies, machine-actionability, and Digital Management Plans.

RT @ponceto91
La version 2.0.1 de upscayl est disponible. Pour rappel, c'est un outil utilisant de l'IA permettant d'agrandir des images sans perte perceptible de détails. Il supporte Windows, MacOS et Linux

Now it is time for Romania to set up their National Open Science Plan. Congratulations !

RT @NicMatyjasik
Mais quelle vidéo projetée sur l'ambassade d’Iran à Londres. 💪🙏

Moi quand @fredserval me dit qu'on va jouer à Fire in The Lakr

RT @opencitations
We are ! Call for applications now open (deadline: 28 February 2023) for a 12-month Research Fellow position to work on managing and developing the technical infrastructure of - more info at:

RT @Pyb75
L'association @Wikimedia_Fr boucle son budget 2022-2023 grâce à la collecte de dons qui se termine le 31 décembre. D'ores et déjà merci aux 5000 personnes qui nous soutiennent 🫶
💙 Pour faire un don
💚 Foire aux questions

RT @opencitations

Why OpenCitations Meta? represents a major infrastructural advance for OpenCitations, since it addresses and overcomes some of the limitations previously experienced, providing three major benefits:

Mozilla to Explore Healthy Social Media Alternative
In early 2023, Mozilla will stand up and test a publicly accessible instance in the Fediverse at Mozilla.Social.

RT @culturaltutor
Ancient people knew the earth was round.

And about 2,240 years ago a man called Eratosthenes calculated its circumference within 1% of the correct figure... with a stick.

RT @NaudetFlorian
According to @Nature « More than 70% of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist's experiments » … well…
… I am among those… and merry Xmas.

RT @Centre_Mersenne
Grâce au travail de l'équipe éditoriale et du centre Mersenne, les Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences reçoivent le DOAJ Seal 🙂



RT @codegouvfr
Le lien vers notre compte est en effet très dangereux : il risque de vous donner envie de rejoindre un réseau où la modération est faite par des humains.

RT @ouvrirlascience
Retour du prix du de la recherche en 2023 pour récompenser les réalisations d’exception ou les plus prometteuses.
Ouverture des candidatures en février 2023 :

📢The Government of Ukraine has approved a National Action Plan and mandated all Ministries to ensure that it is implemented! @EIFLnet's @irynakuchma is a member of the Working Group that developed the plan ℹ️

Le tissu des ateliers de la donnée, destinés à accompagner les communautés scientifique en proximité sur le sujet du partage des données de la recherche, s'étoffe.
RT @recherchedatagv
@UnivTours @univ_lille @UGustaveEiffel @umontpellier @univamu @UnivRennes1 @UnivRennes_2 @ouvrirlascience @AMDAC_MESR La nouvelle carte des ateliers de la donnée suite aux résultats du 2ème AMI :

RT @OpenEditionPro
[] OpenEdition lance un nouveau service de de à destination de ses communautés !
Découvrez son fonctionnement et ses spécificités avec des spécialistes de notre équipe :

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