Climat : des centaines de millions de personnes sous le coup de températures extrêmes
Europe, Etats-Unis, Chine, Arctique… Des vagues de chaleur touchent durement de nombreuses régions du globe. Les thermomètres pourraient encore enregistrer des niveaux inédits dans les prochains jours.
Le contrôle parental sera installé par défaut sur les appareils français permettant d’accéder à Internet[default]-[android]
Je recrute ! On recrute ! Nous recrutons ! Un très beau poste est ouvert pour m'accompagner dans la mise en oeuvre du Plan national pour la science ouverte. Nous recherchons l'adjoint(e) au coordinateur national de la science ouverte. Je publie l'annonce cette fois avec des hastag adaptés. #jerecrute #emploi
Je recrute ! On recrute ! Nous recrutons ! Un très beau poste est ouvert pour m'accompagner dans la mise en oeuvre du Plan national pour la science ouverte. Nous recherchons l'adjoint(e) au coordinateur national de la science ouverte.
France officially supports Open Research Europe and puts forth a few proposals for a bright future.
There is clearly room for improvment there (and in France, too). 230 millions of dollars in time wasted making papers fit journal guidelines
En Colombie, les quatre enfants rescapés du crash de leur avion retrouvés vivants après 40 jours
New UVM Press Breaks Down Barriers to Scholarly Publishing - The University of Vermont has launched has open access diamond university press. The contents will be free to read, but also free to publish. Congratulations !
NIH blocks projects of two researchers who fail to make clinical trial results public
The world’s largest medical research funder has blocked two researchers from launching new projects after they violated NIH policies on clinical trial reporting.
The Council of the European Union has adopted conclusions calling for scientific publishing to be transparent and of high quality, with immediate and unrestricted open access for all.
These Council conclusions extend and further stress the conclusions on research assessment and the implementation of open science from its June 2022 meeting under the French presidency. They also align with the policies set out in the Second French Plan for Open Science.
Roadmap for Open Science approved by the Italian National Research Council #openscience
Nominations now open for ORCID Board Elections 2024
Le C919, premier avion de ligne produit en Chine, a décollé pour son premier vol commercial
Further updates to the Open Access Directory listing of journals that are open access thanks to the 'Subscribe to Open' model:
* added 4 De Gruyter journals
* added 1 Mohr Siebeck journal (Religion in the Roman Empire)
Now 119 journals in total & growing by the day
EU research ministers make fresh call for a full transition to free open access publishing
Open science advocates see room for ‘game changing measures’ in ministers’ stance, while publishers warn against ‘knee jerk policy interventions’
BIG preprint has just dropped:
"Wikipedia and open access"
"We find that open-access articles are extensively and increasingly more cited in Wikipedia. What is more, they show a 15% higher likelihood of being cited in Wikipedia when compared to closed-access articles, after controlling for confounding factors. This open-access citation effect is particularly strong for articles with low citation counts, including recently published
Joint statement: Council conclusions on not-for-profit scholarly communication ecosystem - We welcome the adoption by the Council of the European Union (EU) of the conclusions on high-quality, transparent, open, trustworthy, and equitable scholarly publishing. As key public research and innovation actors in Europe, we are committed to supporting the development of a publicly owned, not-for-profit scholarly communication ecosystem in collaboration with policymakers in Europe and beyond.
Council calls for transparent, equitable, and open access to scholarly publications