L’Ukraine plonge la Russie dans le « brouillard de guerre » pour réussir sa contre-offensive
RT @CoNOSC_Council
News from Spain: The Council of Ministers just approved the Spain's National Open Science Strategy. CoNOSC congratulates Spain on this important milestone. News in Spanish @FECYT_Ciencia https://www.ciencia.gob.es/Noticias/2023/mayo/El-Gobierno-aprueba-la-primera-Estrategia-Nacional-de-Ciencia-Abierta.html.
RT @ouvrirlascience
French #OpenScience Monitor 2022
👉67% of scientific publications and 71% of doctoral theses published in 2021 are open access
👉New indicators on research data, codes and software in beta version
@sup_recherche @Inria @Univ_Lorraine
Plus que 10 jours pour candidater pour le prix #ScienceOuverte du #LogicielLibre de la recherche 2023, proposé par le Ministère @sup_recherche et le Comité @ouvrirlascience. Toutes les informations pour candidater ici ⤵️
Spain adopts national open science strategy
Government has approved a €23.8M per year scheme to make all publicly-funded research free to access as soon as it is published
By Goda Naujokaitytė
Spain has approved a four-year national strategy for open science, under which all outputs of publicly financed research will made available free upon publication.
Under the strategy open access will become the default mode for all research funded directly or indirectly, with public funds. https://sciencebusiness.net/news/open-science/spain-adopts-national-open-access-strategy
L'Espagne annonce son premier plan national pour la science ouverte. Bravo !
El Gobierno aprueba la primera Estrategia Nacional de Ciencia Abierta
Le profil génétique d’une femme identifié sur une perle du paléolithique https://www.lemonde.fr/sciences/article/2023/05/03/le-profil-genetique-d-une-femme-identifie-sur-une-perle-du-paleolithique_6171952_1650684.html
GraspOS Landscape Survey on Reforming Research Assessment - GraspOS
It seems that I will have the opportunity to speak about the links between #researchassessment and #openscience, in Stockholm, next month, at a conference associated with the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Open Science – From Policy to Practice
The event is streamed online.
RT @sortecoevo
The Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) Guidelines advisory board has an open call for new members. It seems like a wonderful opportunity for Ecologists and Evolutionary Biologists to get involved.
French national funder touts open-access success. Projects funded by France’s National Research Agency (ANR) are 20 percentage points ahead of the average for research in French public laboratories on open-access publishing, statistics show. Does anyone have access to the full text of the news ? https://www.researchprofessionalnews.com/rr-news-europe-france-2023-4-french-national-funder-touts-open-access-success/
Interesting debates in the multilateral dialogue of the European Commission with dozen of countries in the world. We see a strong convergence of open science policies. #openscience @SChevalieruB
RT @AxelLeisenberg
The #MultilateralDialogue on values and principles in international R&I cooperation continues. 125 participants from more than 40 countries connected for the Open Science workshop, co-moderated by France. Marin Dacos @…
RT @AgenceRecherche
L’#ANR lance un appel à manifestation d’intérêt « Recherche sur les pratiques et enjeux de la science ouverte » (AMI-SO), préparatoire à un futur appel à projets, destiné à enrichir la réflexion nationale et internationale.
📆Clôture : 29 juin 2023
You can see the difference with the map of January 2023. https://conosc.org/#page-content
We have upadted the map of the countries members of CoNOSC : the Council for National Open Science Coordination. CoNOSC is a network of national Open Science coordinators. https://conosc.org/#page-content
RT @ouvrirlascience
Chercheuses, chercheurs, vous avez jusqu’au 29 juin pour répondre à cet appel à manifestation d’intérêt de l’ANR ! Un jalon important pour structurer la communauté de recherche sur les pratiques et enjeux de #scienceouverte, et un objectif du Plan national pour la science ouverte https://twitter.com/AgenceRecherche/status/1648704589804326912