markuzcha boosted

I haven't been looking here for some time, apologies if your posts and questions haven't been answered!

But progress is happening, blog post coming very soon.

And yay, GitLab seems to be joining the forge federation land. I hope it brings good things.


markuzcha boosted

Before trusting an AI to tell you about stuff you don’t know, ask it to tell you about things you’re an expert in.

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🚫💉 Pathologie der Impftoten und Impfschäden: Nach der Evidenz erste Beweise

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markuzcha boosted

So in easy langaige Ukraine has only Biological research facilities. If Russians get the material they are biological weapons.
Okay. 😳

via @fr

markuzcha boosted

this contails tinfoil.

i'm not known for being optimistic :)

EU imports between 25 and 50% (depending if oil, gas or coal) of it's fossil energy from russia. as things look now, we will probably ban them to our own peril. add the already exploding inflation to that. my vote is that in 22 shit will hit the fan, at least economically, and the financial bubbles we already had in the 20xxs will look tame in comparison.

the problem is, due to the inflation the west can't bail out too large to fail banks this time. well, it can, but then inflation goes even higher.

in this climate, people have no will to fight and the governments will use it. i don't think that people will starve in masses here in europe, but many will not be able to e.g. pay their mortgages effectively giving banks ownership for many houses. or even rent, because those will raise as much as possible too. homes need heating in winter which will, from my gut feeling at least cost double as much.

food may get drastically expensive. hungary already prevented grain exports for '22. let's hope we will not see a dry (or too wet) summer again.

one effect (tinfoily): people not wanting the vaccine in e.g. germany where the democratic leaders are going through with mandates will have to pay 2500€ as fine. that will be 2500€ few will have spare, so they will in essence be forced. decide to keep your freedom to decide about your body, freeze in the winter?

another effect (more tinfoily): gas already is at 2€, we will only have shitty electric cars in a few years. where the government has the ability to just cut the power over night to prevent charging cars in case they need to prevent people from rapidly moving.

i could go on with fringy theories, but things look rather bleak from my perspective. to close with a meme: people will eat the bugs and they will like it, because at least they have something to eat.

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其次,在西方内部,民众对公共机构,比方说政府,政党,学术机构等已经丧失了信任。而民众事实上也有着充分的理由对公共机构失去信任,比方说,2016年川普竞选时,民调机构和专业政治分析人士信誓旦旦地宣称川普基本不可能当选总统,结果川普当选了总统。2020年川普再度竞选时,民调机构主流媒体则斩钉截铁地说,会出现一边倒向民主党的“蓝色浪潮”,结果这也没有出现。那么经过这两次事件之后,民众自然就不会再相信现有的这些机构和专业人士的说辞。再比如说,川普在任期间对非法移民进行了收容,被主流媒体称为"kids in cages"(把孩子关在笼子里),可是拜登上台后做了同样的事情,主流媒体却为拜登辩护,可想而知旁观者会对主流媒体留下什么印象。再比如说,2020年新冠爆发的前期,美国疾控中心宣布所有人都要遵守隔离和管制措施,可是,到了夏天,BLM运动突然爆发,于是美国疾控中心立马为了政治立场而抛弃了自己制定的规则,给BLM抗议者特殊关照,那么可以预料到的,在这次事件过后,美国疾控中心必然也会失去公信力。而美国媒体在战争问题的公信力,更是早就在伊拉克战争期间败光了,因为当年几乎所有的媒体都在鼓吹伊拉克战争,而事实证明伊拉克战争是一个彻底的灾难。





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Kurzes Videostatement von Beate Bahner zum aktuellen Gesetzentwurf zur "Impfpflicht für alle Erwachsenen"

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markuzcha boosted

To take your privacy to the next level, Session onion-routes all of your data.

But what does that mean exactly? And why is Session the only private messaging app that can onion-route high quality voice and video calls?

A thread 🧵


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🟥 Klaus Schwab: "Aber meine Damen und Herren, Exzellenzen, die Zukunft ist schon da. Die Zukunft hat begonnen.

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"Four days after the Pfizer vaccine was approved for ages 16+, we submitted a Freedom of Information Act Request to the FDA for all of the data within Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine biological product file. We have now sued the FDA for not releasing the data. Click below for court documents and for productions of Pfizer’s documents from the FDA."

markuzcha boosted

DeSantis rocks.

This is how we should probably handle masks with friends and family members.

Straight to the point and not care about hurt feelings.

Then turn and shake our heads in wonderment

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@icare4america @Andre @CDuBois @Exodus @oystergirl @JesseStone @Mongo3804 @nchia

Repeat post for those who missed it this a.m. Share with everyone & post everywhere.

The list of vaccine side effects that Pfizer wanted to keep secret until 2097, but was ordered by a judge to release yesterday starts on page 30 in the linked document below and the side effects go on for NINE PAGES.

Show more
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