@mathlover Lol. Maybe still a too new a concept in 1992. ;)
Is it case insensitive?
@trinsec Let me double-check.
@trinsec Nope. Lower-case "internet" doesn't get any results.
@trinsec Nor does "web" for anything related to the modern Web. The history of technology entries refer to the "web of food production" that artisans weren't involved in during the Middle Ages and the "web of technical innovation" during the Industrial Revolution.
@mathlover www probably doesn't exist at all I bet. Mmm... network... ARPA?
@trinsec Nothing for ARPA, and I posted the article on computer networking earlier. It's only 3 paragraphs long.
@mathlover Mmm.. nodes...
Reminds me of echomail networks and FIDOnet... Which sounds about right. I was heavily into echomail networks at that time too.
The entry for "computer crime" is longer: