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Grape juice now is just red wine. Now, it have to rest for two or three months doing malolactic fermentation and then i will bottle it just for family, friends and me.

Laster Euskaraldia dugu! Eman al duzu izena? Belarrimotz ala mihiluze?

Nire mahats mustioa ia ardoan bihurtuta!
My Grape must almost converted in wine!

@freemo now you can travel to the past and buy some Garum sauce or red wine, come back to current time and sell it. Think on the revenues! 😜

Iruñan nago nire alaba Donostiara eraman behar batut. Bera Ayax raperoaren kontzertu batean dago.

Kontzerta Zentral salan ospatzen ari da eta barrutik ateratzen ari direnen aburuz oso ona izaten ari da.

Kalean gende pilo bat dago larunbata gauaz gozatzen. Garagardo botila bat erosi dut etxera eramateko Baltika markako imperial stout motatakua. Dimitry Afoninek brewlari maisuak sinatua!

Etxera ailegatu bezain pronto kolakau eta ohera.

Hi there! I am Mikel and recently joined this federation. Wow! Federation sounds very interesting place to join, meet, know, live etc.
I am interested in everything except disturbing anyone. Share knowledge or news could be an interesting to do here. Meet interesting people, places stuff...
I speak euskara, spanish, english and can read a littoe bit of french.

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