@kmic No proszę, żyję już te 30 parę lat a nie wiedziałem, że takie ładne coś można sobie posadzić :) Potrzeba jakiejś gleby szczególnej dla nich ...?
@gerdmoebehrens Honestly, idgi at all. How am I supposed to get convinced if you can't just point to a specific answer that should be laughably easy to find if the claims were true ?
@SallySilvershoes No worries, not the first time a right wing snowflake decided to block me for the act of questioning their beliefs :)))
@SallySilvershoes @gerdmoebehrens Ah, but I'm asking about what Rudy brought to the courts and not about that mysterious fraud thing. What did he bring, what was he armed with? What were the really strong guns that got rejected by leftist court puppets who are most likely controlled by Soros & Putin ...?
@ROSEHOON And when might you stop thinking that...?
@gerdmoebehrens So you wouldn't mind pointing me to the evidence that Mr Giulani showed to the courts, would you? :D
@gerdmoebehrens So right off the bat we have a chart that expects me to accept "wide-spread evidence" without actually supplying it. Where was this evidence were Giulani went to the courts? 😃
@gerdmoebehrens Even here such unsubstantiated accusations?
@kmic Ale że jakie palmy? :o
@tripu No clue how true is it, but apparently Telegram has some history of giving away your data to foreign governments? If you're interested, I'll try to ask the guy who told me
Just your typical Maths teacher